What is my username and first time login information?


Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) assigns usernames to all of its community members, students, faculty, staff, and administration. The username and associated password is given to new users via email upon employment or admissions confirmation. Users also are assigned a SMUMN ID number at this time. This also acts as your Library card.

 To login to SMUMN-related systems, do the following steps FIRST:


1) To login to the appropriate system below visit, https://community.smumn.edu,

Students click "Student Portal" link under Portals.

Employees click "Faculty Portal" link under Portals. 

2) Enter your username as listed on the Technology page of your acceptance packet.
            Students: Typically first initial, middle initial, up to the first 4 characters of lastname, and year you were accepted to SMU.
            Employees: Typically, first initial and up to first 7 characters of lastname.

3) Enter your password as listed on the Technology page of your acceptance packet or employment verification email.
         Students skip to step 5
         Faculty continue with step 4

4) When prompted please answer the Security Profile question.
    4a) Once question is completed, click Submit.

5) On the portal home page, click Profile in the top right, then select "Change Password".

6) Enter your current (old) password. See above #3.


7) Create a personal, unique, passcode using the on-screen instructions as a guide. Current requirements: at least 15 characters long and cannot contain your name. Otherwise open for personal preference. Recommendation: use a shortish sentence without spaces as the the passcode.

8) Enter this passcode again.

9) Click "Reset Password".

10) Screen should indicate password change successful or similar message. 

11) Click out of the successful box and you should remain on your portal screen.

12) If finished with your portal needs, click "Logout".

13) Visit, https://community.smumn.edu, click the appropriate link to login to the desired SMUMN-related online system, with your newly created password. The Engage password is separate from this process.

 Student assistance Information:

 Winona Campus:

Cardinal Central

Minneapolis (TC) or SGPP Campus:


SGPP National Online Programs:

Personal Support Center (PSC)






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