What is my username and first time login information?
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) assigns usernames to all of its community members, students, faculty, staff, and administration. The username and associated password is given to new users via email upon employment or admissions confirmation. Users also are assigned a SMUMN ID number at this time. This also acts as your Library card.
To login to SMUMN-related systems, do the following steps FIRST:
Students click "Student Portal" link under Portals.
Employees click "Faculty Portal" link under Portals.
2) Enter your username as listed on the Technology page of your acceptance packet. Students: Typically first initial, middle initial, up to the first 4 characters of lastname, and year you were accepted to SMU. Employees: Typically, first initial and up to first 7 characters of lastname.
3) Enter your password as listed on the Technology page of your acceptance packet or employment verification email. Students skip to step 5 Faculty continue with step 4
4) When prompted please answer the Security Profile question.
4a) Once question is completed, click Submit.
5) On the portal home page, click Profile in the top right, then select "Change Password".
6) Enter your current (old) password. See above #3.
7) Create a personal, unique, passcode using the on-screen instructions as a guide. Current requirements: at least 15 characters long and cannot contain your name. Otherwise open for personal preference. Recommendation: use a shortish sentence without spaces as the the passcode.
8) Enter this passcode again.
9) Click "Reset Password".
10) Screen should indicate password change successful or similar message.
11) Click out of the successful box and you should remain on your portal screen.
12) If finished with your portal needs, click "Logout".
13) Visit, https://community.smumn.edu, click the appropriate link to login to the desired SMUMN-related online system, with your newly created password. The Engage password is separate from this process.
Student assistance Information:
Winona Campus:
Cardinal Central 1-877-304-4273 cardinalcentral@smumn.edu
Minneapolis (TC) or SGPP Campus:
1-866-437-2788 studentcentral@smumn.edu
SGPP National Online Programs:
Personal Support Center (PSC) 1-877-308-9954 SaintMarysMN@personalsupportcenter.com
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2022-01-07 21:18
What is SMUMN's Appropriate Use of Technology Policy?
Appropriate Use of Technology Policy
Policy Owner Assistant Vice President of Information Technology Policy Approver(s) Data Governance and Technology Planning Committee Related Policies Remote Access and Personal Device Policy; Password Policy Related Procedures System Configuration Process Effective Date March 31, 2022 Next Review Date 7/1/2025
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures and restrictions for the appropriate use of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN) technology resources.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, students, temporary workers, consultants and contractors, hereafter referred to as “users”. All students and employees are expected to know and understand this policy as it relates to their role at the university.
General Information
The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university.
The university recognizes that technology is a means for intellectual, social, and cultural growth, but said resources can also be a means for harassment and destructiveness. As a Lasallian Catholic institution, the university has an obligation to encourage civility and respect in the use of technology resources. Consequently, members of the university community are expected to exercise responsibility, operate technology resources ethically, respect the rights and privacy of others, and operate within the bounds of the law and of university policy and standards when using university technology resources.
The use of university technology is a privilege. The university reserves the right to monitor the use of all the technology resources it provides, that are used within its jurisdiction, or in its name and, if necessary, restrict access. The university respects the privacy of users; however, users are advised that in the university setting, no absolute guarantee of privacy exists.
User Responsibilities and Policy Statements
1. Users are responsible for maintaining a secure system environment. Users must:
§ Never deliberately disrupt the performance of technology systems
§ Never attempt to circumvent system security, which includes attempts to circumvent restrictions on the use of university listservs
§ Never attempt to access any unauthorized accounts, internally or externally, which include university listservs
§ Immediately report security concerns to the IT HelpDesk
2. Users must ensure the physical security of technology resources. Users must not modify, move, or otherwise tamper with university owned hardware or software unless explicitly authorized to do so. Removal of technology equipment, paper, or documentation without authorization, constitutes theft.
3. Users of the university’s technology resources are responsible for any activity that takes place through their account. Accordingly, each user must follow the University Password Policy.
a. Passwords must be 15 characters in length. Special characters, numbers and upper/lower case characters are not required.
b. Passwords will expire every 365 days.
c. When changing a password, the user must not change it to the most recent password.
d. Passwords are to be used and stored in a secure manner. Passwords are not to be written down or stored electronically. Passwords are to be obscured during entry into information system login screens and are to be transmitted in an encrypted format.
e. Passwords are to be individually owned and kept confidential, and are not to be shared under any circumstances.
4. Users must use technology consistent with local, state, and federal laws. Users must comply with federal copyright law. See the University Catalog for information about copyright law. Users will only use computer software in accordance with license agreements, whether the software is licensed to the university or to them. The university will cooperate with local, state, and federal authorities investigating violations of local, state, or federal law involving technology.
5. File sharing is allowed via our approved methods including, but not limited to, Google Drive, Gmail, and SFTP. The use of torrenting software is not allowed on our network and users must follow the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the No Electronic Theft Act (NET ACT).
6. The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university. Users will not use technology resources for commercial purposes or unauthorized financial gain. Users will not use technology resources for political purposes.
7. The university requires that users of technology resources demonstrate respect for others, respect for the university, and respect for the values of a Catholic Lasallian university when using technology resources. Users must use appropriate language when utilizing technology. Users will not send harassing, intimidating, or threatening messages through electronic mail, voicemail or other means.
8. Users assume full responsibility for their experiences while utilizing university technology resources. The university cannot and will not protect users against the existence or receipt of material that may be offensive to them, except in cases of violation of the law or of university policy or standards, and then only when technically feasible. Individuals using technology resources are warned that they may willingly or unwillingly receive or discover material that they find offensive.
Investigations and Consequences
1. Alleged violations of this policy by students of the College will be investigated by the vice president for student affairs or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the disciplinary judicial process outlined in the College Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
2. Alleged violations of this policy by students attending in the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs will be investigated by the dean of the academic area/school in which the student is studying. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the Grievance Procedure in the most recent Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs Catalog and Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
3. Alleged violations of this policy by employees will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor in coordination with the assistant vice president for human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that the inappropriate use has occurred. Violation of this policy by employees will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Students and employees may face civil and criminal consequences, independent of action by the university, if their inappropriate use of technology violates local, state, or federal law.
Revision History Date Who Changes 08/05/2016 VP for Financial Affairs; Director of IT; General Counsel Policy revision 5/23/2022 AVP of IT Updated to reflect changes in terminology and standardizations
Author: Last update: 2024-07-30 16:28
Respondus LockDown Browser Installation and Requirements (students)
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota has obtained a campus-wide license for Respondus LockDown Browser. Respondus LockDown Browser™ is a customized browser that increases the security of test delivery in Canvas. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser to access an exam, they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. Once an assessment is started, students are locked into it until it’s submitted for grading.
Students can click on the following link to download and install LockDown Browser:
The system requirements for Respondus LockDown Browser are as follows:
Windows 10, 8, 7
75MB of permanent space on the hard drive OR
Mac OS X 10.12 or higher
120MB of free hard drive space
Author: JSPARTZ Last update: 2021-07-13 18:06
How to Import/Export Favorites or Bookmarks?
How to Import/Export Bookmarks/Favorites in Browsers
Chrome Bookmmarks
1. Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
2. Select Bookmarks
3. Select Bookmark Manager
4. Click the Organize menu in the manager. (
(click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner)
5. Select Export Bookmarks.
(create a new folder on your U drive)
6. Double click the new folder to save the file to, name the file, click Save.
Firefox Bookmarks
1. Open Firefox. Click the Bookmarks menu and select the "Show All Bookmarks" option. Click the "Import and Backup" menu at the top of the window that appears, it looks like a star icon.
2. Click the "Export HTML" option. Select and file name for the exported bookmarks. This same bookmarks library window lets you import bookmarks.
3. Click the "Import HTML" option in the Import and Backup menu. Click "Next" or "Continue" depending on your operating system. Select the file in the window that appears and click "Open."
Internet Explorer Favorites
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click File, Import/Export
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2018-02-13 18:19
What can I do to keep my computer and data safe?
In today's world, good digital citizenship means protecting yourself online at work and in your personal life.
Maybe you’ve already experienced your security or privacy being violated or heard the news stories about Target, Home Depot, and JP Morgan Chase being hacked or heard the recent stories of some celebrities having personal photos stolen. For every big news story there are thousands of small stories of people having their online identity stolen, accounts accessed, or malware surreptitiously installed on their computing device. Following are some simple steps to protect yourself from experiencing these unfortunate incidents.
Use long and strong passwords. A strong password uses more characters and a combination of upper and lowercase letters along with numbers and special characters.
Use a unique password for every account. Many times a hacker will crack one password for an individual and then try that password on any other accounts the person has.
Install updates to your computer(s) and mobile devices. Hackers often exploit a vulnerability that could have been eliminated by a software update.
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) department of Information Technology Services (ITS) HelpDesk provides hardware and software support services for SMUMN-owned Windows and Apple desktop and laptop computers used in both main campuses and affiliated sites and centers, plus limited support for personally owned computers. Service requests are made by contacting the IT Services HelpDesk or on the web at http://techfaq.smumn.edu/. Our support technicians provide free help with installations and problem solving for Macintosh or Windows PC desktop and laptop computers, software, and peripherals such as printers and webcams. Primary coverage goes to the main systems of faculty and staff and the school’s system infrastructure. Secondary coverage extends to other SMUMN-owned computers in labs and classrooms. Only minimal help related to network connectivity, security, and system crashes is available for personally owned computers.
The remainder of this note describes in detail the specific services that our support technicians will provide, and lists the priority order and expected response time for various classes of problems.
Covered services for desktop and laptop support
Our technicians will always respond to general questions about university services such as email configurations. This list describes the types of on-site help they provide for your computer. Please note that items not on this list are generally not covered.
Full support is available for SMUMN-owned computers. Associated peripherals (printer, webcams, etc.) are also covered.
For any substantial problem, IT Services will simply re-image the PC using the appropriate system image.
To get hardware and software support as shown in the list below, your computer must run either the Mac OS X operating system or the Windows operating system. There is no software support for other operating systems such as Linux - only hardware installation and problem diagnosis.
Install hardware.
Install and configure the operating system, "essential SMUMN software", network software, backup software, basic office applications (for example, browser, and Microsoft Office), and other commonly used applications.
Encrypt the computer as required by new university security mandates.
Install hardware and software upgrades.
Configure network connectivity
Secure against viruses, worms, and hackers or recover from a compromise.
Debug hardware and operating system problems.
Debug problems and provide user consulting for the software categories listed above.
Optimize the system (for example, defragment disk).
Give advice for hardware/software purchases and improvements to meet needs (for example, printer options).
For personally owned computers and mobile devices of faculty, staff, students, and visitors for related work, limited assistance may be requested when the user is unable to resolve issues after following documented procedures. You are expected to try to resolve the problem yourself before entering an assistance request. Help is available for Mac OS X or later and Windows 7 or later in the following categories only:
Configure network connectivity
Configure security settings and software to protect against viruses, worms, and hacker compromises.
Assist with cleanup and recovery from a security compromise.
Troubleshoot problems that make the computer unusable, such as frequent crashes and freezes.
Install, configure, or upgrade the operating system only as needed to resolve security or system usability issues.
Priority order and expected response times for support
For critical issues that effect the student academic experience, immediately call the ITS HelpDesk.
Winona Campus Minneapolis Campus
(800) 635-5987, ask for “HelpDesk” (866) 437-2788 ext 7800
(507) 457-6987 (612) 728-5100 option 4, or ext 7800
ITS HelpDesk technicians will try to fix critical problems within 1 business day. Critical problems may overrule and delay previously scheduled lower priority requests.
The technicians are notified when a new request is entered. If this is an urgent request, be sure to note that in the first sentence of a web-based submission: i.e. (Subject: URGENT: Projector in room 123).
For non-critical requests, the technician will attempt to contact you within one business day to schedule a time to help you. Non-critical problems are generally scheduled for the next available time slot, which is generally in a day or two but could be up to one week away during heavy workload periods.
New computer or peripheral installations are handled differently. Installations can be scheduled well in advance to be completed within a few days of expected arrival.
All classroom systems and labs are imaged annually, usually between the end of the Summer and beginning of the Fall semesters when available.
The priority order for help requests, from highest to lowest:
Critical problems with a primary computer system or peripheral that prevent or hinder a faculty or staff member from doing his/her normal work; and problems that prevent use of the classrooms for teaching scheduled classes.
Other non-critical problems with the primary workstation computer or peripheral of a faculty or staff member; and non-critical problems in the classrooms, including preparation of the computers for new classes at the beginning of each quarter.
Installation of a new primary computer or peripheral for a faculty or staff member.
Problems with other (non-primary) SMUMN owned computers or peripherals in offices or laboratories, including student offices.
Installation of a new non-primary SMUMN owned computer or peripheral in offices or labs, including staff offices.
Problems affecting a personally owned computer that is used for SMUMN related work. Off-site computers must be brought to the office.
Author: Mike Montgomery Last update: 2016-02-17 20:53
How to Stay Safe Online
Please help keep our Saint Mary's University Network Safe and Secure by following these principles of internet safety.
Password management is done through the SMUMN Portal. To ensure passwords do not get out of sync (Portals, Canvas, Active Directory, and Google Workspace), Saint Mary’s has ONLY implemented the password change settings via the Portal, which is the main way users access the system. This protocol ensures that when users change their passwords, it gets updated in all other places as well.
The Portal and Active Directory accounts are set to lockout after 10 attempts and unlocks after 10 minutes.
Active Directory accounts that are not in the portal (ex: contractor/vendors) do not have access to the portal so their passwords are set to expire annually.
Saint Mary’s University uses the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for best practice guidelines.
Policy Statements
1. Passwords must be 15 characters in length. Special characters, numbers and upper/lower case characters are not required.
2. Passwords will expire every 365 days.
3. When changing a password, the user must not change it to the most recent password.
4. Passwords are to be used and stored in a secure manner. Passwords are not to be written down or stored electronically. Passwords are to be obscured during entry into information system login screens and are to be transmitted in an encrypted format.
5. Passwords are to be individually owned and kept confidential, and are not to be shared under any circumstances.
Investigations and Consequences
Alleged violations of this policy by students of the College will be investigated by the vice president for student affairs or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the disciplinary judicial process outlined in the College Student Handbook.
Alleged violations of this policy by students attending in the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs will be investigated by the dean of the academic area/school in which the student is studying. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the Grievance Procedure in the most recent Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs Catalog and Student Handbook.
Alleged violations of this policy by employees will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor in coordination with the assistant vice president for human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that the inappropriate use has occurred. Violation of this policy by employees will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible actions and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Sanctions for non-compliance may include legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.
For questions regarding your password please contact the IT HelpDesk at 507-457-7800.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2024-08-02 18:25
How do I Submit a Self-Service Ticket?
Self-service tickets are a fast and easy way to file a request or issue.
They save time for both the customer and the IT staff.
You can start a new ticket by clicking on the "Self Service" link in the upper left of the techfaq.
Once the new tab opens, enter your Saint Mary's credentials.
This brings you to your HelpDesk Home page.
To create a new incident, simply click the blue "Report an Issue" button in the upper right.
Then, provide a summary of a few words, and fill in the description of your issue or request.
Click Save incident to submit the ticket.
A HelpDesk TA will file your request appropriately and begin the resolution process.
Author: cxmoor16 Last update: 2019-08-06 21:28
How do I reset my password for my SMUMN accounts
To reset your portal, canvas, email, and network account password follow these steps.
If you can login to your respective SMUMN portal, login and use the "Change Password" button found within the "Profile". Fill out the subsequent form and click Reset Password.
*If you do not see a change password button please change the term to an upcoming term
If you are NOT able to login, use the "Forgot password" link on the portal login page.
Enter the requested information
Passcodes must be 15 characters and can be any combination of characters, except first name and/or last name. Short phrases or sentences are usually a good start.
Click Submit.
*If the information provided does not match our records this process will not work. Please contact the helpdesk
Once the passcode change is successful, please login to your SMUMN Portal for the passcode to fully take effect.
If you are unable to login or change passcode, please call the HelpDesk.
Winona Campus: 800-635-5987, ext. 7800
Twin Cities Campus: 866-437-2788, ext. 7800
*Users of Engage, this process does not effect your Engage login. Contact the Personal Support Center for assistance.
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures, and restrictions for employees who have legitimate business needs for connecting personal devices to Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN’s) network and/or need to remotely connect to SMUMN resources using either a personal or a Saint Mary’s device. SMUMN’s systems (i.e. computer systems, networks, databases, etc.) must be protected from unauthorized use and/or malicious attack that could result in loss of information/data assets, inappropriate access to confidential data, damage to critical applications, disruptions in operations, loss of revenue, and damage to the institution’s public image. Therefore, all remote access and mobile privileges to SMUMN enterprise resources must employ only university-approved methods.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, full-time and part-time, who utilize SMUMN cloud hosted systems and/or SMUMN’s internal network. General Information Remote access is defined as any connection to SMUMN’s network and/or other applications from off-campus locations, such as the employee’s home, a hotel room, airports, cafés, a satellite office, etc. There are two main types of remote access. Direct access, which is often referred to as a VPN connection, and indirect access, which is a connection to a SMUMN system that is openly available on the internet, such as the institution’s Google Workspace, LMS, portal, etc. Due to the confidential data some employees require to fulfill position duties, employees in the following departments/roles are required to use SMUMN devices for all on campus and remote work. Individual positions not listed below may also require a SMUMN device for remote access based on a supervisor’s recommendation and consultation with IT.
- Business Office
- Executive Leadership
- Financial Aid
- Human Resources ·
- Information Technology ·
- Institutional Effectiveness ·
- Registrars’ Offices
The SMUMN IT HelpDesk will support connectivity to university systems (email, LMS, etc.) for an employee’s personal device, but will not troubleshoot personal internet home networks. The employee is responsible for any issues with their personal device and “non-university” applications.
Saint Mary’s will not reimburse any employee for any home internet service fees. The use of a Saint Mary’s credit card for any IT hardware or software purchases is not allowed.
Policy Statements
1. It is the responsibility of all employees of SMUMN to ensure that their remote access network connection remains as secure as their network connection in their on-campus office.
2. It is imperative that any network connection, including remote access network connection, used to conduct SMUMN business be utilized appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. SMUMN’s Appropriate Use of Technology Policy must be followed. No employee is to use access through university networks for the purpose of illegal transactions, harassment, competitor interests, or obscene behavior, in accordance with other related policies found in the Employee Handbook.
3. Employees must use secure remote access procedures. Use of strong passwords in accordance with SMUMN’s Password Policy is required, as is securing the password so it cannot be used by others to access a university device or to access the SMUMN network. Employees must not disclose their passwords to anyone, including family members. Additionally, all computer equipment and devices used from a remote location must be reasonably secured.
4. University data of a confidential nature, especially personally identifiable information, should never be stored locally on any device (computer desktop, USB, etc.) and should be saved to SMUMN’s Google Drive or an internal SMUMN drive. Employees may not under any circumstances retain confidential university documents/information in other off-network servers, Dropbox, or iCloud servers.
5. If any device used for remote access (personal or university owned) is damaged, lost, or stolen, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
6. If any incident or suspected incident of unauthorized access and/or disclosure of university resources, databases, networks, etc. occurs, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
7. Only SMUMN devices will be allowed to connect to the VPN, as this is a direct connection to the internal network. No personal devices are allowed to connect to the VPN. SMUMN devices have specific software and settings that minimize the risk of a cyber-security threat due to a lost, stolen or compromised device. Duo 2 factor authentication is required for all VPN connections.
8. Access to the Google Workspace, Canvas and other SMUMN cloud hosted software that is available on the outside internet is not considered a direct connection; therefore, access may occur from a personal device as long as the guidelines listed in #9 and #10 are followed.
9. SMUMN software should never be installed on any personal device unless authorized by SMUMN IT staff.
10. Employees must have an updated and working anti-virus program installed on any personal device that is used for remote access to SMUMN systems. Failure to do so may results in denied access to SMUMN’s network. This includes operating system patches.
Alleged violations of this policy will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor, in coordination with the assistant vice president of human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for information technology or their designee will assist with investigations, as appropriate.
Violation of this policy will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Sanctions for non-compliance may include legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.
Author: CMalay Last update: 2023-10-17 21:22
Remote Access and Personal Device Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures, and restrictions for employees who have legitimate business needs for connecting personal devices to Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN’s) network and/or need to remotely connect to SMUMN resources using either a personal or a Saint Mary’s device. SMUMN’s systems (i.e. computer systems, networks, databases, etc.) must be protected from unauthorized use and/or malicious attack that could result in loss of information/data assets, inappropriate access to confidential data, damage to critical applications, disruptions in operations, loss of revenue, and damage to the institution’s public image. Therefore, all remote access and mobile privileges to SMUMN enterprise resources must employ only university-approved methods.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, full-time and part-time, who utilize SMUMN cloud hosted systems and/or SMUMN’s internal network. General Information Remote access is defined as any connection to SMUMN’s network and/or other applications from off-campus locations, such as the employee’s home, a hotel room, airports, cafés, a satellite office, etc. There are two main types of remote access. Direct access, which is often referred to as a VPN connection, and indirect access, which is a connection to a SMUMN system that is openly available on the internet, such as the institution’s Google Workspace, LMS, portal, etc. Due to the confidential data some employees require to fulfill position duties, employees in the following departments/roles are required to use SMUMN devices for all on campus and remote work. Individual positions not listed below may also require a SMUMN device for remote access based on a supervisor’s recommendation and consultation with IT. · Business Office · Executive Leadership · Financial Aid ·
- Human Resources ·
- Information Technology ·
- Institutional Effectiveness ·
- Registrars’ Offices
The SMUMN IT HelpDesk will support connectivity to university systems (email, LMS, etc.) for an employee’s personal device, but will not troubleshoot personal internet home networks. The employee is responsible for any issues with their personal device and “non-university” applications.
Saint Mary’s will not reimburse any employee for any home internet service fees. The use of a Saint Mary’s credit card for any IT hardware or software purchases is not allowed.
Policy Statements
1. It is the responsibility of all employees of SMUMN to ensure that their remote access network connection remains as secure as their network connection in their on-campus office.
2. It is imperative that any network connection, including remote access network connection, used to conduct SMUMN business be utilized appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. SMUMN’s Appropriate Use of Technology Policy must be followed. No employee is to use access through university networks for the purpose of illegal transactions, harassment, competitor interests, or obscene behavior, in accordance with other related policies found in the Employee Handbook.
3. Employees must use secure remote access procedures. Use of strong passwords in accordance with SMUMN’s Password Policy is required, as is securing the password so it cannot be used by others to access a university device or to access the SMUMN network. Employees must not disclose their passwords to anyone, including family members. Additionally, all computer equipment and devices used from a remote location must be reasonably secured.
4. University data of a confidential nature, especially personally identifiable information, should never be stored locally on any device (computer desktop, USB, etc.) and should be saved to SMUMN’s Google Drive or an internal SMUMN drive. Employees may not under any circumstances retain confidential university documents/information in other off-network servers, Dropbox, or iCloud servers.
5. If any device used for remote access (personal or university owned) is damaged, lost, or stolen, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
6. If any incident or suspected incident of unauthorized access and/or disclosure of university resources, databases, networks, etc. occurs, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
7. Only SMUMN devices will be allowed to connect to the VPN, as this is a direct connection to the internal network. No personal devices are allowed to connect to the VPN. SMUMN devices have specific software and settings that minimize the risk of a cyber-security threat due to a lost, stolen or compromised device. Duo 2 factor authentication is required for all VPN connections.
8. Access to the Google Workspace, Canvas and other SMUMN cloud hosted software that is available on the outside internet is not considered a direct connection; therefore, access may occur from a personal device as long as the guidelines listed in #9 and #10 are followed.
9. SMUMN software should never be installed on any personal device unless authorized by SMUMN IT staff.
10. Employees must have an updated and working anti-virus program installed on any personal device that is used for remote access to SMUMN systems. Failure to do so may results in denied access to SMUMN’s network. This includes operating system patches.
Alleged violations of this policy will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor, in coordination with the assistant vice president of human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for information technology or their designee will assist with investigations, as appropriate.
Violation of this policy will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Sanctions for non-compliance may include legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.
Author: CMalay Last update: 2022-07-26 22:41
Remote Access and Personal Device Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures, and restrictions for employees who have legitimate business needs for connecting personal devices to Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN’s) network and/or need to remotely connect to SMUMN resources using either a personal or a Saint Mary’s device. SMUMN’s systems (i.e. computer systems, networks, databases, etc.) must be protected from unauthorized use and/or malicious attack that could result in loss of information/data assets, inappropriate access to confidential data, damage to critical applications, disruptions in operations, loss of revenue, and damage to the institution’s public image. Therefore, all remote access and mobile privileges to SMUMN enterprise resources must employ only university-approved methods.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, full-time and part-time, who utilize SMUMN cloud hosted systems and/or SMUMN’s internal network. General Information Remote access is defined as any connection to SMUMN’s network and/or other applications from off-campus locations, such as the employee’s home, a hotel room, airports, cafés, a satellite office, etc. There are two main types of remote access. Direct access, which is often referred to as a VPN connection, and indirect access, which is a connection to a SMUMN system that is openly available on the internet, such as the institution’s Google Workspace, LMS, portal, etc. Due to the confidential data some employees require to fulfill position duties, employees in the following departments/roles are required to use SMUMN devices for all on campus and remote work. Individual positions not listed below may also require a SMUMN device for remote access based on a supervisor’s recommendation and consultation with IT. · Business Office · Executive Leadership · Financial Aid ·
- Human Resources ·
- Information Technology ·
- Institutional Effectiveness ·
- Registrars’ Offices
The SMUMN IT HelpDesk will support connectivity to university systems (email, LMS, etc.) for an employee’s personal device, but will not troubleshoot personal internet home networks. The employee is responsible for any issues with their personal device and “non-university” applications.
Saint Mary’s will not reimburse any employee for any home internet service fees. The use of a Saint Mary’s credit card for any IT hardware or software purchases is not allowed.
Policy Statements
1. It is the responsibility of all employees of SMUMN to ensure that their remote access network connection remains as secure as their network connection in their on-campus office.
2. It is imperative that any network connection, including remote access network connection, used to conduct SMUMN business be utilized appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. SMUMN’s Appropriate Use of Technology Policy must be followed. No employee is to use access through university networks for the purpose of illegal transactions, harassment, competitor interests, or obscene behavior, in accordance with other related policies found in the Employee Handbook.
3. Employees must use secure remote access procedures. Use of strong passwords in accordance with SMUMN’s Password Policy is required, as is securing the password so it cannot be used by others to access a university device or to access the SMUMN network. Employees must not disclose their passwords to anyone, including family members. Additionally, all computer equipment and devices used from a remote location must be reasonably secured.
4. University data of a confidential nature, especially personally identifiable information, should never be stored locally on any device (computer desktop, USB, etc.) and should be saved to SMUMN’s Google Drive or an internal SMUMN drive. Employees may not under any circumstances retain confidential university documents/information in other off-network servers, Dropbox, or iCloud servers.
5. If any device used for remote access (personal or university owned) is damaged, lost, or stolen, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
6. If any incident or suspected incident of unauthorized access and/or disclosure of university resources, databases, networks, etc. occurs, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
7. Only SMUMN devices will be allowed to connect to the VPN, as this is a direct connection to the internal network. No personal devices are allowed to connect to the VPN. SMUMN devices have specific software and settings that minimize the risk of a cyber-security threat due to a lost, stolen or compromised device. Duo 2 factor authentication is required for all VPN connections.
8. Access to the Google Workspace, Canvas and other SMUMN cloud hosted software that is available on the outside internet is not considered a direct connection; therefore, access may occur from a personal device as long as the guidelines listed in #9 and #10 are followed.
9. SMUMN software should never be installed on any personal device unless authorized by SMUMN IT staff.
10. Employees must have an updated and working anti-virus program installed on any personal device that is used for remote access to SMUMN systems. Failure to do so may results in denied access to SMUMN’s network. This includes operating system patches.
Alleged violations of this policy will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor, in coordination with the assistant vice president of human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for information technology or their designee will assist with investigations, as appropriate.
Violation of this policy will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Sanctions for non-compliance may include legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.
Author: CMalay Last update: 2022-07-26 22:44
Remote Access and Personal Device Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures, and restrictions for employees who have legitimate business needs for connecting personal devices to Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN’s) network and/or need to remotely connect to SMUMN resources using either a personal or a Saint Mary’s device.
SMUMN’s systems (i.e. computer systems, networks, databases, etc.) must be protected from unauthorized use and/or malicious attack that could result in loss of information/data assets, inappropriate access to confidential data, damage to critical applications, disruptions in operations, loss of revenue, and damage to the institution’s public image. Therefore, all remote access and mobile privileges to SMUMN enterprise resources must employ only university-approved methods.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, full-time and part-time, who utilize SMUMN cloud hosted systems and/or SMUMN’s internal network.
General Information
Remote access is defined as any connection to SMUMN’s network and/or other applications from off-campus locations, such as the employee’s home, a hotel room, airports, cafés, a satellite office, etc. There are two main types of remote access. Direct access, which is often referred to as a VPN connection, and indirect access, which is a connection to a SMUMN system that is openly available on the internet, such as the institution’s Google Workspace, LMS, portal, etc.
Due to the confidential data some employees require to fulfill position duties, employees in the following departments/roles are required to use SMUMN devices for all on campus and remote work. Individual positions not listed below may also require a SMUMN device for remote access based on a supervisor’s recommendation and consultation with IT. ·
- Business Office ·
- Executive Leadership ·
- Financial Aid ·
- Human Resources ·
- Information Technology ·
- Institutional Effectiveness ·
- Registrars’ Offices
The SMUMN IT HelpDesk will support connectivity to university systems (email, LMS, etc.) for an employee’s personal device, but will not troubleshoot personal internet home networks. The employee is responsible for any issues with their personal device and “non-university” applications.
Saint Mary’s will not reimburse any employee for any home internet service fees. The use of a Saint Mary’s credit card for any IT hardware or software purchases is not allowed.
Policy Statements
1. It is the responsibility of all employees of SMUMN to ensure that their remote access network connection remains as secure as their network connection in their on-campus office.
2. It is imperative that any network connection, including remote access network connection, used to conduct SMUMN business be utilized appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. SMUMN’s Appropriate Use of Technology Policy must be followed. No employee is to use access through university networks for the purpose of illegal transactions, harassment, competitor interests, or obscene behavior, in accordance with other related policies found in the Employee Handbook.
3. Employees must use secure remote access procedures. Use of strong passwords in accordance with SMUMN’s Password Policy is required, as is securing the password so it cannot be used by others to access a university device or to access the SMUMN network. Employees must not disclose their passwords to anyone, including family members. Additionally, all computer equipment and devices used from a remote location must be reasonably secured.
4. University data of a confidential nature, especially personally identifiable information, should never be stored locally on any device (computer desktop, USB, etc.) and should be saved to SMUMN’s Google Drive or an internal SMUMN drive. Employees may not under any circumstances retain confidential university documents/information in other off-network servers, Dropbox, or iCloud servers.
5. If any device used for remote access (personal or university owned) is damaged, lost, or stolen, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
6. If any incident or suspected incident of unauthorized access and/or disclosure of university resources, databases, networks, etc. occurs, the employee must notify their supervisor and SMUMN IT HelpDesk immediately.
7. Only SMUMN devices will be allowed to connect to the VPN, as this is a direct connection to the internal network. No personal devices are allowed to connect to the VPN. SMUMN devices have specific software and settings that minimize the risk of a cyber-security threat due to a lost, stolen or compromised device. Duo 2 factor authentication is required for all VPN connections.
8. Access to the Google Workspace, Canvas and other SMUMN cloud hosted software that is available on the outside internet is not considered a direct connection; therefore, access may occur from a personal device as long as the guidelines listed in #9 and #10 are followed.
9. SMUMN software should never be installed on any personal device unless authorized by SMUMN IT staff.
10. Employees must have an updated and working anti-virus program installed on any personal device that is used for remote access to SMUMN systems. Failure to do so may results in denied access to SMUMN’s network. This includes operating system patches.
Alleged violations of this policy will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor, in coordination with the assistant vice president of human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for information technology or their designee will assist with investigations, as appropriate.
Violation of this policy will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Sanctions for non-compliance may include legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.
Author: CMalay Last update: 2022-07-26 22:46
Saint Mary’s University Mass Email Guidelines and Procedures
Saint Mary’s University strives to ensure campus communication resources are used effectively. Email is an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly way to communicate with large groups of people. However, it requires a clear and consistent strategy because non-strategic use of mass email reduces employee and student productivity, creates viewer fatigue and increases the likelihood of deleting critical messages.
Recognizing best practices, the university has created a policy and guidelines for email usage. This policy governs the use of announcements to the following listserves:
Winona undergraduate students,
Students in the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs,
Faculty and staff (across the university or by campus).
Email to a Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota email account is the university’s official means of communicating information to faculty, staff, and students as stated in our email policy.
Mass email is any email message sent to the entire campus or large subset (example: all students, Winona undergraduate students, students in graduate and professional programs, all faculty and staff, or all faculty and staff on one campus). All mass emails must follow Saint Mary’s email guidelines and procedures and be consistent with any applicable state and federal laws.
Users are strongly encouraged to use other current options for communications before considering a mass email as the choice for any communication:
Saint Mary’s Today, the university’s internal e-news channel*
Printed and digital signage
Social media
Website (depending on topic)
Department or division email
Digital Screens
Small group or interpersonal communications.
*Audiences reached via Saint Mary’s Today:
The entire university community
All students
All faculty and staff
All Winona undergraduate students
All graduate and professional students
Undergraduate faculty and staff
Schools of Graduate and Professional Program faculty and staff
Guidance on topics better served through a mass email:
Information that should not be accessible to the public.
Information that pertains to the majority of the recipients, is critical and/or time-sensitive, and meets one or more of the following standards:
Alerts the campus community to situations about health and safety risks;
Notifies the campus community about changes in governance, policy, and practice;
Communicates important information from the president, provost, or other university senior leadership.
Inappropriate use of internal mass email (or inclusion in Saint Mary’s Today) includes, but is not limited to:
Messages not in line with the university’s mission or Lasallian Catholic values;
Messages commercial in nature with the exception of those messages that support university business;
Political activities that advocate for or against a party, platform, or candidate;
Messages for job postings or research recruitment;
Marketing or advertising of programs, majors, classes, products, regular events;
Solicitations for contributions, charities, or participation in personal activities not related to university purposes or not sponsored by the university;
Solicitations for non-university businesses operated by university faculty or staff;
Announcements that do not meet the outlined standards or are inappropriate for mass email should use other communication channels as listed below.
Required approval and authorization
Authorization to send mass email is automatically granted in the following cases:
1. Official university announcements
Requests to send out mass email to university groups must be approved by and sent by an authorized unit and must follow these guidelines.
Each authorized unit will identify one or two departmental email addresses that are the designated senders who have authorization to send on behalf of their department. IT Services will keep the master list of designated senders and ensure those accounts have the rights to send to the approved lists. This list of designated senders will be audited and updated each summer by IT.
Requests to be added to the authorized unit list or to send to a group must be submitted through the HelpDesk and should be approved by the head of the authorized unit.
No employee may create a listserv that mirrors or mimics a university listserv.
2. Emergency
In an emergency situation, communications should follow our emergency response plan found on the HR website.
Violations of this policy should be reported to the employee’s supervisor.
Author: tpjohnso Last update: 2023-01-25 23:01
Student Portal
How to Add/Drop Courses
Adding and Dropping of Courses is available at the beginnging of each new term. Add/Drop dates are determined by the Office of the Registrar.
Under the "My Student Portal" tab select "Registration"
Select the term and hit "Confirm"
**Make sure that the correct TERM is selected when you log in. Example: FA20 College = Fall of 2020 on the Winona Campus
At the top of this screen you will see your current schedule. To Drop a course, select the checkbox next to the course. To cancle use the button in the upper left.
To ADD a course: Scroll to the bottom then use the search bar to find courses. Click the "Add" button to add the course to your schedule.
**Pre-requisites, time conflicts, and course seats are displayed in place of the "Add" button.
After "Add" is clicked the course will be put into your registration.
After all courses are added to your cart, select "Review Registration" to review.
To complete your registration, select the "Complete Registration" button to finalize.
**Registration may take 5-10 minutes until the classes are shown on your schedule.
**for issues with Pre-Reqs please contact the registrar.
Under Graduate: 507-457-6655 or 877-304-4273
Graduate: 612-238-4566 or 866-437-2788
Author: ggrade16 Last update: 2021-04-29 21:17
SGPP Students - Student Portal Overview
Access denied
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2019-08-09 21:52
How do I register for classes?
Students will register for classes online in the Student Portal during specified times determined by the Registrar. Below is a video tutorial on how to register for classes during your assigned time.
In order to access the Registration area in the portal, users will need to disable the pop-up blocker in their browser. Users may choose to Allow all Pop-ups or create an exception for the Portal site (preferred). Directions can be found for each browser below.
Once logged in, find this in the top left side of the window lightly right of the Saint Mary's Logo. Click the drop-down menu labeled "My Student Portal" Then click "My Forms"
After clicking my forms, it'll bring you to a new page where you need to select, "Include Completed Items"
After selecting "Include Completed Items," you will be able to find the 1098T form in your list. Click the "IMG" link to view the desired document. See image below
This should be printable or downloadable as a pdf file which can be printed for your records.
If you have issues or challenges, prior to contacting Cardinal Central, Student Central or the HelpDesk for assistance please go through the following troubleshooting steps. The support staff will have you do these options anyway so please try them before contacting SMUMN for assistance.
- Try a different web browser, if using Chrome use Edge, Firefox, or Internet Explorer(IE) instead. If on a Mac try Safari. The native browsers to the OS might work better to open the form; IE or Edge for Windows, Safari for Mac.
- In some cases, you may need to go to www.adobe.com, and download and install Acrobat Reader, or download and install the updates to Acrobat Reader if it is already installed on the computer. The link is at the bottom of the www.Adobe.com webpage.
- If using a phone or tablet you likely need to install a pdf reading software from the app store, again best to get Adobe product.
- Users can also try and do this as an option
Right click the link and choose "Save link as...". then save the pdf to a folder on your computer.
Open the file from the saved location using say Word, or other word processing application that might be PDF compatible. This forces the computer to use installed software versus web browser plugins and such that may not be working.
- If Acrobat Reader is installed you can launch (start) the program first and then use the open menu to go to where the pdf file is saved to open it. Same process as opening a file from an Office application.
Contact information for further assistance:
Cardinal Central, Winona Campus: 800-635-5987 or cardinalcentral@smumn.edu
Student Central, TC (SGPP) Campus: 866-437-2788 or studentcentral@smumn.edu
HelpDesk for non-data or record issues: 800-635-5987 or 866-437-2788 follow prompts.
Author: BBEHLING Last update: 2020-07-21 23:52
Student Portal Interface Overview
In July 2019 Saint Mary's University updated the interface for the student portal that should provide a mobile friendly environment but keep the funcitonality of the portal itself. All users are on the new version at this time.
Click here to view the new video overview of the student portal.
Previous Version - Faculty Online Portal - Overview
This is the 2016 - July 2019 version of the Faculty(employee) Portal. A new overview video is in the works to be posted. Much of the content in this video is valid. The various screens are accessed from a different place on the faculty.smumn.edu. The "home" screen menu is across the top versus being on the left side. The most noticeable change is accessing your profile which is now in the upper right corner instead of the upper left.
The Faculty Online Portal is used by university faculty to view course lists, schedules, student information and advisor functions. Please view the video below for an overview of the site functionality.
**We recommend viewing this video in HD. Click on the settings gear in the video viewer to change the viewing quality.
If you need to see the video in full screen, click here
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2021-06-02 16:40
Disable Pop-up Blocker for Registration
In order to access the Registration area in the portal, users will need to disable the pop-up blocker in their browser. Users may choose to Allow all Pop-ups or create an exception for the Portal site (preferred). Directions can be found for each browser below.
5. Under "Submit Grades", click "Direct Grade Submit".
NOTE: if you do not see this wording, please contact the HelpDesk as a box in your data record controling access to this is likely unchecked and needs to be.
6. Choose the grading option (Midterm or Final)
7. Enter the appropriate grade for each student in either the Midterm Grade column or the Final Grade column, depending on which one you are submitting.
Please note that the only acceptable grades you may enter are A, AB, B, BC, C, CD, D, F, I, or if your class P/NC, you may enter either P or NC
While not required, for Final Grades, if you submit an F grade, you should enter the Last Day of Attendance.
Please note that if students are missing, especially those with names at the end of the alphabet, they may be listed on page 2 of the roster. Please check the top of the roster for additional pages to go to.
8. Upon entering grades for ALL students, click on the Submit Grades button found on the bottom of the page.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2019-08-07 22:10
Greenshades My Payroll-First Time Access
My Payroll
Login to the Faculty Portal at faculty.smumn.edu using the same login and password that you log into your computer with.
2. Click Accept to the FERPA agreement. This will pop up every time you login.
3. On the left hand side, click My Payroll.
4. The GreenEmployee.com Welcome Wizard will open up. Verify your Saint Mary’s email address is correct in the first box. If you want your payroll information to go to a different email than your Saint Mary’s email, enter your email address in the second box; otherwise leave it as your Saint Mary’s email. Choose when you want to receive email notifications by placing check marks by the options you want to select and click Next. Options can be changed later if needed.
5. Enter the verification code into #2. Choose how you want to receive your W-2 and 1095-C documents and Click Next.
6. Verify your Address information and Click Next.
7. Choose the address that best fits you by clicking Continue As Submitted or Use Suggested Address.
8. You have now completed the First Time Wizard and you are now in the application where you can see your Paystub.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2017-02-02 17:13
How do I enter time into Greenshades?
How to Enter Time
1. Login to the Faculty portal. faculty.smumn.edu 2. Click on My Payroll on the left hand side 3. Click Timesheet
4. Click Add Entry
5. Choose the appropriate Code and enter your Start and End Dates and Times. Click Save. **Note: Report hours worked, vacation, and sick time. You will need to account for the lunch hour (ie. record 8am-12pm, and 12:30pm-4:30pm).
6. Once you have entered all of your time, click Sign and Submit Timesheet at the bottom.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2017-02-03 15:32
How do I approve Timecards in Greenshades?
1. Login to the Faculty portal. faculty.smumn.edu 2. Click on My Payroll on the left hand side
3. Click Employee Management
4. You will see your employees listed on the screen. Click on Timesheets on the left.
5. Click Timesheet Review Center
6. You can Approve All by clicking on the Approve All button or you can approve individually by clicking View to the left of the employees name.
7. If you are approving individually, scroll to the bottom of the screen after reviewing the hours and click Approve or Deny. Repeat for each staff member.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2017-02-03 16:13
Logging sick and vacation time in Greenshades
1. Login to the Faculty portal. faculty.smumn.edu 2. Click on My Payroll on the left hand side
3. Click on Time Off
4. "Current Balances" shows your balance of Sick and Vacation time.
5. Click on the "+New Request" blue button to enter in your request for vacation time and to enter in your sick time.
6. "Start Date" - Enter the start date of your request
"End Date" - Enter in the end date of your request
"Total Hours" - Enter in the total hours being used for vacation or sick time
"Start Time" - Enter the start time of your vacation or sick request (Note-if you are off multiple days, this does not appear)
"Time Off Type" - Choose "Sick Leave" OR "Vacation Leave"
"Your comments" - Free text field
Click on the blue "Save" button
7. You can change your request up until your manager's approval by clicking on the "View" button
and Click Delete
8. Your request of sick and vacation time will show under "Upcoming Usage" until it is approved AND until that pay period is opened. For hourly employees, your requested time off will auto-populate onto your timesheet. For salaried employees, it will automatically apply to your leave time.
You will receive an email from your manager (or approver) once the request is approved or denied.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2017-02-16 15:51
Degree Audit access for Advisees...
From Academic Affairs,
What to do:
Login to the Faculty Portal, faculty.smumn.edu
Once on the home page, Click "My Students"
You will see a list of all of your current advisees.
Select a student. You will see a list below the title Student Actions.
Click "Transcript"
This is the student's transcript with all of the courses attempted or completed by semester. If the student is a transfer, his or her courses from the previous institutions will be at the top. Keep this screen open (or print it old school) as you will need this going through the audit.
Go back to Student Actions
Click "Audit" The audit tells you what has been taken to fulfill requirements and what remains.
How the audit works:
The audit gives the student's requirements - say Cultural Traditions and all of the courses he or she could take if that requirement remains unfulfilled, or the course that did fulfill it if the requirement is complete. The courses listed are all of the courses that could possibly fulfill, not just the ones offered in fall of 2017. However, there are some errors. Some courses did not convert accurately and with transfer students, some of the transfer courses did not get recorded in the proper areas.
Potential issues and data snags with the new ERP database (CAMS) system
The first time through, it may be somewhat labor intensive to ensure that all of the information in the audit is correct.
If you find an error - Please write to Chris Verch. You are asked to write one, comprehensive email* to him for all of your students about what needs adjustment or correction.
*You can use the draft feature built into Google email to save each student's issue or need and then add each subsequent student after/during each advising session.
If you have questions on degree requirements, please refer to the College Catalog. This is the guiding document for all requirement questions.
If we can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact the Academic Affairs office.
Author: BBEHLING Last update: 2017-03-17 21:41
How do I change my Contact information in the Employee Portal?
Your contact information in the Faculty and Staff Portal now is pulled from the Greenshades payroll software .
To update your contact information in the Faculty/Employee portal...
Log in to the Faculty and Staff Portal Click "My Payroll" Click "HR Profile" from the red bar at the top of the screen. Click "Address" in the left menu Verify your Phone 1 and your Email. If you need to change anything, please click Edit, typed in your new information click Submit.
If it looks correct, no action is required. Please note: this is to contact you regarding SMUMN items such as closings or other campus wide contacts or emergencies. This is not to contact another party about an emergency for you.
We appreciate you taking a few minutes to ensure we can reach you in case of a campus emergency.
Author: BBEHLING Last update: 2018-02-21 21:49
New Faculty/Employee Portal - Overview
This is a video overview of the updated Faculty/Employee Portal. To access the Faculty portal visit https://faculty.smumn.edu
The Winona Campus HelpDesk has a number of technology items available for check out for SMUMN students and employees. Click on the categories below to learn more about the equipment we have available. To check out an item, please contact the HelpDesk, helpdesk@smumn.edu or 507-457-7800
Pocket-sized camcorder; Flat back panel with touch-sensitive buttons; 1.5-inch color LCD screen
2 GB of on-board flash memory--records up to 60 minutes of video; 2x digital zoom
Internal Lithium-ion battery recharges when built-in USB arm is connected to a computer
Connects to TV for instant viewing
Built-in software lets you easily edit video files and upload them to video sharing sites
Video Camcorder - Panasonic (qty 1)
Capture up to Full HD 1920 x 1080 Video
Backside Illuminated Image Sensor
Built-In Wi-Fi
One-Touch NFC Connectivity
50x Optical Zoom
90x Intelligent Zoom
Power O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer)
High-Sensitivity Stabilizing Gyro Sensor
Built-In Creative Control Modes
Microsoft Webcams LifeCAM HD3000
True 720p HD video - Post true HD video to online video sites.
16:9 widescreen - For cinematic video recording.
TrueColor Technology - Automatically delivers bright and colorful video, in virtually all lighting conditions.
Universal attachment base - Work on your desktop, laptop, or notebook.
Universal Tripods will work with any camera.
Document Cameras (3)
Elmo and Samsung Document Cameras
Laptops & Hardrives
HP 8440 Laptops (2)
Windows 7 Professional (64-Bit)
14-inch HD LED-Backlit Display (1366x768)
HP 2740 Laptop (1)
Windows 7
Digital Eraser Pen with tether and clip
Multi-touch with support for screen gestures
SD Card Reader
External Hardrives (4)
Formatted for PC or MAC
External Hardrives (set of 15)
For LAN Events
Microphones & Speakers
Cordless & Lapel Microphones
For use in Salvi Lecture Hall or the Common Room
USB Microphones (3)
For use with a Laptop or Desktop Computer
Speaker Phone
For use with conference calls.
Projection & Mobile Media
Laptop/Projector Carts (2)
PC Laptop
DVD/VCR Player
All necessary cabling
Projector Cart (No Laptop)
DVD/VCR Player
Connections for personal device (VGA)
Portable LCD Projectors (2)
Rolling case
VGA Cable
Portable LED Casio Projectors (2)
Small Size
Easy to carry case
VGA Cable
Portable Projection Screens (3)
Two sizes
Easy to use pull up design
Portable Flat Screen TV Display Carts (2)
Large Flat Panel Display
HDMI & VGA Connections
DVD Player
Miscellaneous Tech Items
Turning Point Personal Response System
Classroom Set Response System
iPad VGA Adapters
Garmin GPS Device
Samsung DVD Writer (USB)
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2022-05-16 16:53
Facilities & Equipment » Twin Cities Campus
How do I reset my personally owned SGPP online Program Ipad?
Students, alumni, of the National SGPP Online programs have the option to purchase the iPad used during the course of studies.
Once you purchase the iPad and the leasing company contacts SMUMN of the change, your iPad is now fully yours as a personal device. SMUMN no longer has the ability to support the device as it is no longer under SMUMN device management processes.
Pleae note: that you should have the device sync with your itunes account and if there are issues to contact Apple support for assistance.
The primary topic of support with these devices is the passcode. Passcodes if forgotten are subject to the device needing a factory reset.
You can also call AppleCare for Education. The number is 1-800-800-2775 extension 3. A call representative will step you through the process of resetting the iPad to factory defaults and setup the device again. It is important to note that if a reset is necessary, all data on the device will be wiped, this includes documents, pictures, and additional apps beyond the initial setup.
How to install software on a University PC - Faculty/Staff
For faculty, staff and administration at Saint Mary's University, we have many programs available for installation on your office computer which you do not need administrator privileges to install. Please follow the directions below to install the software.
**Please note, if the software you are looking for is not available in this list, you can request it from the HelpDesk. If it is a piece of software which you think would be useful for other staff members and should be included in the Software Center, please fill out this Software Center Request Form.
Installing Programs from the Software Center in Windows 10
1. Open the Start Menu, and then click "All Apps"
2. Scroll down to "Microsoft Endpoint Manager" and then open "Software Center"
3.In the Software Center you can see a collection of applications that are available for installation on your PC. Select the application(s) you wish to install and click "Install"
4. To see the status of the installation, click "Installation Status" on the left side of the screen. Here you will be able to see the status of any and all software installations from the network.
5. Please note that the program you are installing will pop up and ask you to click through a series of installation steps. Please click "Install".
4. The program will be installed in the background while you continue your work.You will not see any progress for most programs. Most programs install in 5-30 minutes.
Author: Emily Langr Last update: 2020-06-25 01:56
Does SMUMN provide online meeting software?
Google Apps for Education provides a free video call service called Google Meets that works well for up to 25 people.
You can use Google Meets to video chat, meetings, or for internet voice calls as well as convenient and easy to use screen sharing. Learn more here: Google Meets.
To access the Meets software login to your SMUMN Google email
Click the square of squares in the upper right corner
Click Meets might have to scroll slightly.
We also have Zoom available for SMUMN employees. See this article for details.
Author: BBEHLING Last update: 2019-04-29 22:27
How to Import/Export Favorites or Bookmarks?
How to Import/Export Bookmarks/Favorites in Browsers
Chrome Bookmmarks
1. Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
2. Select Bookmarks
3. Select Bookmark Manager
4. Click the Organize menu in the manager. (
(click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner)
5. Select Export Bookmarks.
(create a new folder on your U drive)
6. Double click the new folder to save the file to, name the file, click Save.
Firefox Bookmarks
1. Open Firefox. Click the Bookmarks menu and select the "Show All Bookmarks" option. Click the "Import and Backup" menu at the top of the window that appears, it looks like a star icon.
2. Click the "Export HTML" option. Select and file name for the exported bookmarks. This same bookmarks library window lets you import bookmarks.
3. Click the "Import HTML" option in the Import and Backup menu. Click "Next" or "Continue" depending on your operating system. Select the file in the window that appears and click "Open."
Internet Explorer Favorites
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click File, Import/Export
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2018-02-13 18:19
Who do I contact for assistance with my eFolio?
Vectorworks is available in SJ233C and the Page Theater Production Office.
The first time you open it, you will need to fill in this screen to match the below settings. The server should be hermia.smumn.edu and the port should be 5053. Check the box next to Don't show at startup. Click Login
You will have to do this one time at each device that you use.
Next you will see a Firewall message "Do you want the application "CineRender.app" to accept incoming network connections?" Click Allow. This will popup every time you open Vectorworks.
The vendor has been contacted about both issues and tickets have been logged.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2014-10-20 16:24
Microsoft Office 365 Free for Faculty, Staff & Students
We are happy to announce that Saint Mary's University is now able to offer Microsoft Office FREE for current SMUMN Faculty, Staff Students. Please follow the directions below to install Office (PC or Mac) for free.
2. Log in using your SMUMN email address and Student/Faculty Portal password.
3. After logging in, click on "Install Office".
4. Select "Office 365 apps". The installer will be downloaded.
5. When the download completes, follow the onscreen instructions to use the installer. Don't forget to activate Office using the same credentials you used to log in to portal.office.com.
***Please note that SMUMN does not, at this time, support the use of Microsoft's One Drive. If you would like to store your files in the cloud and access them from multiple devices, we recommend using Google Drive's desktop application. Click here to learn more about using Google Drive with Microsoft Office files: Using Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (U:)
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2020-07-24 23:06
Supported Software (List)
The IT Department officially supports the following list of software. This list is not conclusive. Please contact the HelpDesk if you have any questions. Thank you!
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-11-06 18:53
Connecting to RemoteApps
RemoteApps are applications which can be run on nearly any device, including iOS, Android, Mac OSX and Windows.
At this time, CAMS Enterprise, RaisersEdge and Call Logging are accessible to certain users.
If you are an employee, to access these from off campus you must use a VPN connection. See these directions: Setting Up a VPN
*If you are using Windows 8 or newer, you can simply go to the start menu, find "Work Resources" and any RemoteApps will be ready to use!
Windows 7:
1. Click on the start button, and type in RemoteApp. Then select RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.
2. Select "Set up a new connection with RemoteApp and Desktop Connections"
3. Type in (or copy and paste) https://rds-main.smumn.edu/rdweb/feed/webfeed.aspx into the address section.
If you are prompted for a username and password, you MUST enter smumn\ in front of your user name, i.e. smumn\jdoe, then press OK.
Then press next twice and finish.
4. Press the Start button again, and select "All Programs" or "All Apps" depending on your computer. You will see a new folder named "RemoteApps and Connections", and within "Work Resources" any RemoteApps you have access to will appear.
Connecting from a device running Android, iOS or Windows Phone/Tablet
(Note: the directions below may differ slightly from what you may see on your device)
1. Use the links below to download and install the app:
*This works in other browsers, but requires additional steps to access RemoteApps.
2. If you get a message at the bottom of the screen as shown, select Allow.
3. Sign into the web page using SMUMN\ your username as shown on the page. i.e. smumn\jdoe
4. Select the application you would like to open. This may download a file to your computer which you can use to launch the remote application.
You may copy this file from your download folder to your desktop to make it easy to find in the future.
5. Open the file which you downloaded. If you are prompted for a user name and password, you MUST use SMUMN\ in front of your username, i.e. smumn\jdoe
2. Go to Applications, and then select Microsoft Remote Desktop.
3. Select Remote Resources.
4. For URL, enter https://rds-main.smumn.edu
Enter SMUMN\yourusername for user name, i.e. smumn\jdoe, and then enter your password.
Press Refresh, and then close the Remote Resources Window.
5. Your applications should now appear on the screen. RemoteApps can be launched in the future by opening the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from applications.
**To view a RemoteApp after minimizing it, you must select the highlighted icon at the top of your screen and then the application to view.
Author: RNBALL06 Last update: 2015-12-16 00:44
What is SMUMN online meeting software or resource?
Saint Mary's purchased Zoom online meeting/conferencing software for use by SMUMN employees. For more information visit: https://zoom.us
Definition of terms is at the bottom of this article.
Please review the various usage and support documentation provided by Zoom prior to using the software.
If you wish to have a SMUMN Zoom account, please submit a request through this form which will be routed to the IT HelpDesk. This needs to be requested at least 5 business days prior to first use.
Once your request has been processed and the Zoom account created by HelpDesk or IT staff, you will receive an email from Zoom to finish the setup process. You should also receive a ticket closed email with details.
After you finish setting up the account, it is a "Basic" account.
"Basic" level allows unlimited point to point (2 connections (host and attendee)) "conferencing". If meeting is slated to be less than 40 minutes, a "Basic" account can be used for 3 or more connections.
However, if connecting 3 or more (host + attendees), and the meeting is expected to be longer than 40 minutes; you will need the host account to be changed to "licensed" level.
**You will need to request the host account to be changed to "licensed" level by HelpDesk or IT staff. This needs to be requested at least three business days prior to the meeting time. This is to allow proper setup by staff and time for you to officially setup the meeting and notify attendees.
If HelpDesk/IT changed your account from Basic to licensed, when your meeting has finished, please contact the HelpDesk to have your Zoom reverted back to the Basic level. SMUMN has a limited number of licenses available for use by the community so this process is critical.
**Again if only doing a point to point meeting, say a faculty to a student at home or a job interview hosted in SM19 or LSH210 to the interviewee's computer, this process is not needed.**
Reminder: anyone wishing to use Zoom through the Saint Mary's owned version does need to request an account through the HelpDesk. Yes this will be your SMUMN email address. If you were not assigned a SMUMN Google account, this will need to be created as we cannot setup non-SMUMN email address accounts through the SMUMN Zoom license. This is another reason why a 5 business day lead time is required.
Attendee: person or device in a group setting that joins the meeting.
Point to point: one device connected as host and one device connected as attendee
Basic Level: common level for "free" Zoom account allows point to point meetings with no restrictions.
Licensed Level: less common and paid for level for account. This allows 3+ device connections to a meeting. Host + attendees.
Device: in this context any device that is used to host or connect to a specific meeting.
Basic level can be used for intercampus meetings if all attendees are in one room on TC and one room in Winona. The actual number of people in attendance is not relevant.
Licensed level needed for host account with mulitple (3+) meeting locations. Such as, device on TC campus, device at Cascade Meadow, a device on the Winona campus, and/or other external devices are expected to connect and meeting is expected to be longer than 40 minutes.
Author: BBEHLING Last update: 2020-08-26 23:29
Software Request/Renewal Process
Purchasing and implementing new software is far more complex than installing and finding the money. It requires a thorough review by the IT department to ensure compatibility with existing systems along with a review of the contract for service by the CFO and General Counsel for the University. The following process must be followed to ensure that all of these stakeholders have had time to review the software and prepare for the efficient completion of your request. On average, the process of researching, gaining approvals, and purchasing a new complex software takes 4-6 months. Of course this varies based on the complexities and integrations needed and simple implementations can be approved very quickly.
The below steps should be completed as soon as you start looking for new software (including new upgrades if they require a purchase), regardless if we already own it. Web-based or data integrations should also be requested through this process. If this is an annual software renewal, please skip down to the Software Renewal Section.
IT will review and coordinate a brief meeting for the Key Collaborators and the VP of the area or appointed sponsor to review the process steps to determine who is responsible for steps 3-8 and identify the IT point of contact. If this results in the need for new software, IT will bring this to the Data Governance and Technology Planning Committee (DGTP) for feedback and review.
The Key Collaborators would complete a Requirements Document that identifies what functionality the new software needs.
The Key Collaborators and IT will review the contract for current software (if applicable) that is being discontinued to determine when notice of cancellation must occur. Often 90 day written notice is required. Going forward, IT will maintain a copy of all software contracts.
Key Collaborators will setup demos from multiple software vendors and a member of IT staff will attend each demo.
Once a solution is chosen, complete the IT Change Request Formwhich will be sent to DGTP for approval. If the Committee has questions, someone from the Key Collaborators may be asked to present their request to the Committee.
If approved by DGTP, then review of contract/service order will be done by AVP OF IT (technology requirements), Executive VP and CFO (financial) and General Counsel (legal).
Key Collaborators should complete a usage protocol for software once approved. The final copy will be stored in IT along with the contracts.
Software Renewal
If you have used this software previously and have a new contract or agreement to sign, or are just looking to get the invoice paid, please contact the IT Administrative Assistant at 507-457-1402 or email licensing@smumn.edu.
If there is a new contract or agreement that needs to be signed, IT will work with General Counsel to get approval.
The final copy will be stored in IT along with the contracts.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2024-07-11 23:02
How can I view a Zoom meeting recorded by an instructor?
Access denied
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2020-08-03 03:50
How can I view a Zoom meeting recorded by an instructor?
Access denied
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2020-08-03 03:49
How can I view a Zoom meeting recorded by an instructor?
Access denied
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2020-08-03 03:49
Network Folders & Resources » VPN Instructions
Setting Up a VPN
Access denied
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2020-08-11 20:17
Windows 10 - Cisco Anyconnect VPN
With any SMU laptop, Cisco Connect should be installed. Click the Cisco Anyconnect from the taskbar.
Click on the Cisco Connect icon.
The window below will appear, Click Connect.
The next window will need the username and password. Click OK.
The window will say Connecting.
Once Connected, one can now map drives.
To map U drive (personal network drive) do the following. The Drive letter can be any drive that is not being used. U drive is most used. Folder: \\neo.smumn.edu\username$ Check, Reconnect at sign in. Click Finish.
If Cisco Connect is not installed do the following:
Open a browser and type, smumnvpnwin.smumn.edu
Log in with your username and password.
This will prompt you to Verify the identity from you cell phione. Click Approve
Click on the Download for Windows.
The .exe file will download. (lower left corner of the screen) should look like this: anyconnect-win-4.9.00086-core-vpn-webdeploy-k9.exe
Double click the .exe file
Click, Next. Accept the licensing and click Next.
Click, Install, click on Yes then Finish.
Cicso Anyconnect is now installed. It will be found in the lower left courner of the laptop.
Click on the Cisco icon and then enter your username/password. The 2FA authentification will alert you on your cell phone to Approve. Once that has been done, you will see Cisco connecting, then connected.
You can now map drives.
Mapping Network Drive
Step 1:
Open Windows File Explorer (Click on the icon in the Task Bar that looks like a file folder, or search for "File Explorer".)
In the left hand column, Right click "This PC"
Click Map Network Drive
Step 2:
In the drop down Drive menu, select K:
In the folder field enter one of the following.:
Author: JPawlik Last update: 2023-06-12 18:30
Windows 7/8
Access denied
Author: JPawlik Last update: 2020-07-24 22:44
MacOS VPN Cisco Connect
1. Choose Apple
2. Click on System Preferences
3. choose Network.
Sign on to a Wffi
If the Cisco Connect is not installed, go to a browser and type: smumnvpnwin.smumn.edu
From this window, click Download for MacOS
Then from the next window, double click on the anyconnect pkg.
Choose Ciso Client
Double Ccick AnyConnect.pkg
When you see the picture below, click Continue
Click, Install
Click, Agree
Click, Install
To continue with the install, type username and password, then Install Software.
Install was Sucessful, then Close.
Go to the Cisco Client
From the window below, type smumnvpnwin.smumn.edu or smumnvpntc.smumn.edu and click Connect
Type username and password, click OK.
This should prompted for the 2FA on your cell phone, click, Approve and now is connect to the SMUMN VPN.
Author: JPawlik Last update: 2022-10-14 15:15
Accessing Hoonuit Learning
Access denied
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2022-03-08 19:36
Hoonuit: Finding, Saving and Sharing Tutorials
Access denied
Author: Last update: 2022-03-08 19:36
ResHall Information
Students: How do I map a network drive? (accessing U: drive on campus)
Access denied
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2023-08-31 18:02
How do I add a printer on a personally-owned Windows computer?
Step 1 of these instructions is for personally-owned Windows computers when using wireless network, must be SMUMN-Secure or using the wired connections in ResHall spaces.
If connecting to the wired SMUMN network in public spaces, not reshalls, such as Library, Hendrickson computer labs, Science and Learning Center start with Step 2.
*Note: You will periodically have to re-log in through this icon to print in the future.
STEP 2. In your Start menu search box type in Add a printer
2a. Click "Add a Printer" from the list
STEP 3. Chose add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.
STEP 4. Chose The printer that I want isn't listed, and press next.
STEP 5. Select a shared printer by name. Enter \\oberon\(reshall printer name her). See list below for ResHall printer names.
Step 5a. Click Next.
Printer Names:
Benilde1, Benilde2
Eds1, Eds2
Heffron2, Heffron3, Heffron4
Skemp1, Skemp2, Skemp3
Leo1, Leo3
SLC Lower Hub not a ResHall
STEP 6. Press Install driver, then next and finish.
STEP 7. The printer should now be added. To print later you must repeat step 1. This is required if you logoff, laptop goes into sleep mode or after a restart or shutdown/power on.
Please note: this is the same process if you are going to use another SMUMN printer, such as in the Library, Toner pod, or Hendrickson Center Lower level (HCStudAccess) over the wireless network.
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2017-05-26 21:19
How do I add a ResHall printer on a Mac?
Each Residence Hall has a laser printer that you can print to from your Apple computer. This process differs depending on the version of Mac OSX you are running. To find out which version you have, from the Apple menu choose "about this mac".
Author: Ryan N. Ballanger Last update: 2017-05-24 17:46
What are the requirements for students bringing a computer to campus?
Student-Owned Computer Guidelines
In order to connect to the SMUMN network and obtain Internet access, student-owned computers are required to meet or exceed minimum performance guidelines and have certain software packages installed. The University provides Microsoft Office 365 for Students.
Windows Compatible Computer:
Operating System: Windows 10 and Windows 11
HelpDesk does not support other operating systems
Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent processors.
RAM: Minimum of 8GB but having more is recommended.
Apple MAC Computer:
Operating system: Mac OS 10.9 or newer
RAM: Minimum 4GB but having more is recommended.
Wireless networking:
All Wireless devices should have 802.11a/g/n or 802.11ac Wi-Fi compatibility for best performance. Devices that only support 802.11b/g/n operate only on the 2.4ghz frequency and will not perform as well due to the number of devices on campus.
Personal network devices (routers and access points) are not allowed on campus. They tend to cause interference issues with SMU provided wireless. Turn off wireless on personal printers. iT HelpDesk does not connect personal printers to the network.
Prepping your computer before coming to campus:
Guidelines for Computer Maintenance:
Computer operating systems (OS), especially Windows-based OS’s, must be maintained while connected to the SMUMN network. As part of this, he Universty provides the required Network Access Control (NAC) software. When you initially connect to the network, you are prompted to install this software. The software scans your system to ensure that it meets network access requirements: operating system up-to-date, active and up-to-date virus-scanning software, and current virus definition files (DATs). It does not scan your personal data.
Maintenance items include the following:
Running Windows Update (Microsoft) or Software Update (Apple Mac OS’s) to have current security patches, service packs, application updates, and driver updates.
Running an allowed virus-scanning program, definition files (DAT’s) must be up-to-date (current).
Other Recommendations:
Purchase of extended warranties, for all computers.
Purchase of accidental damage coverage for portable computing devices (laptops). You may want to check with your home owner’s insurance agent for accidental damage coverage.
The iT Department does not recommend the installation or use of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing programs, such as Ares, iMesh, KaZaa, Morpheus, Limewire, etc. The HelpDesk does not support computer issues caused or potentially caused by P2P file sharing programs. Please uninstall these programs before coming to campus.
* Computer maintenance is an ongoing process and the responsibility of the computer user. Updates and virus scanning should be done, at minimum, once a week. Adware and spyware scans should be done, at least, monthly.
Please refer to the Getting Started Guides in "Information for New Users" to the left.
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2024-09-06 15:52
Cable TV Information for ResHalls:
Cable TV Information
Cable television is avaliable in all ResHalls at no additional fee. You will need a cable ready TV set and a coax cable. (Cable avaliable for purchase at the HelpDesk. 5ft - $5. 25ft - $10).
If you are having trouble seeing channels on your TV, please follow the directions here to run a channel scan: No Channels Showing up on Personal TV
Channel Listings:
2 PBS (tpt2) St. Paul 3 FOX (WLAX) La Crosse 4 CBS (WCCO) Minneapolis 5 ABC (KSTP) Minneapolis 6 C-SPAN 7 C-SPAN 2 8 CBS (WKBT) La Crosse 9 FOX 9 (KMSP) Minneapolis 10 NBC (KTTC) Rochester 11 PBS (WHLA) La Crosse 12 The CW (WXOW) La Crosse 13 My Network (WKBT) La Crosse 14 Heroes & Icons (KTTC) 15 Decades (WXOW) 18 ABC (WXOW) La Crosse 19 Loal Government 20 HBC TV 20-Exclusive! 24 Winona State University 25 HBC TV25-Exclusive! 26 Lifetime 27 Lifetime Movie Network 28 WeTV 29 ESPN 30 ESPN 2 31 FS1 32 FSN 33 FSN Plus 34 BTN 35 NBC Sports Network 36 AMC 37 A&E 38 FX 39 TCM 40 TBS 41 TNT 42 Hallmark
43 USA 44 WGN America 45 History 46 National Geographic 47 Cartoon Network 49 HGTV 50 Weather Channel 51 Food Network 52 Fox News 53 Fox Business 54 MSNBC 55 CNBC 56 CNN 57 HLN 58 Syfy 59 IFC 60 BBC America 61 BET 62 CMT 63 Paramount Network 64 VH1 65 MTV 66 Comedy Central
Author: Jason Robinson Last update: 2019-09-16 22:32
NOTICE: It is recommended that you connect your streaming devices to the wired network whenever possible to give you the best possible speeds.
Locate the MAC address of the device and copy it down. (On most devices the MAC address or Wireless ID will be located in Settings > About) If your device has wireless and wired capability, please register both mac addresses.
Enter the name of your device as your SMUMN Username-DeviceType. (example: JXDOE22-Xbox)
Enter the MAC Address (or Wireless ID) of your device.
Click "Create Device" when finished.
*** If wireless, connect your device(s) to the SMUMN-Open network.
*** If wired, connect the device to the ethernet jack in your room, after the registration is completed. Please restart the device.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2020-07-21 23:54
How can I increase the speed of the internet?
During the past few years, we have increased our internet speed by over 150%.
A wired network connection will always be faster than a wireless connection. Consider plugging in for a better online experience.
Wireless connections are shared between multiple computers, and work best for light-weight tasks such as:
Checking Email
Web Browsing
Accessing Library Databases
Wired data connections will be faster and are dedicated to an individual user. It is recommended to plug in for these activities:
Synchronous classes via Zoom
Panopto videos
Taking online tests
Video streaming including Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc.
Playing online video games
Downloading large files
Running updates on your computer
Video conferencing and Skype
Other tips to speed up your internet connection:
Do not use peer to peer file sharing programs
Close unnecessary programs
Make sure your device is malware and virus free
If needed, stop at the HelpDesk to get your free network cable!
Here is a diagram of how the connections are layed out in each ResHall room:
Author: tpjohnso Last update: 2021-05-28 04:09
What antivirus programs are approved for use on campus?
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota requires all computers to have current anti-virus software installed. Many of the mainstream anti-virus programs are approved for use on campus.
If your current solution has expired and you wish to switch to Windows Defender (which is free) follow the directions below:
Windows Users:
1.Uninstall any anti virus programs currently installed. This is extremely important!
2.Ensure Windows is fully up to date.
3. Click on the start button.
4. Type in "defender" in the search box, and select Windows Defender.
5. Click tools, and then click options.
6. Click Administrator, and select the box for "Use this program" and then press save.
Apple Users are currently required only to keep their computers up to date with the latest security updates from Apple. To run these updates, please open the App Store and click on "Updates".
Apple users who wish to install additional anti-virus protection (recommended) may install Malwarebytes for Mac
Author: Owen K. Last update: 2024-06-28 15:56
Can I bring my own wireless printer to use in my room?
Saint Mary's University does not support the use of wireless printers in the ResHalls.
If you do bring a printer, it will not work with our wireless network and we will not support it. Please use a wired connection if you bring your own printer.
Microsoft Office 365 Free for Faculty, Staff & Students
We are happy to announce that Saint Mary's University is now able to offer Microsoft Office FREE for current SMUMN Faculty, Staff Students. Please follow the directions below to install Office (PC or Mac) for free.
2. Log in using your SMUMN email address and Student/Faculty Portal password.
3. After logging in, click on "Install Office".
4. Select "Office 365 apps". The installer will be downloaded.
5. When the download completes, follow the onscreen instructions to use the installer. Don't forget to activate Office using the same credentials you used to log in to portal.office.com.
***Please note that SMUMN does not, at this time, support the use of Microsoft's One Drive. If you would like to store your files in the cloud and access them from multiple devices, we recommend using Google Drive's desktop application. Click here to learn more about using Google Drive with Microsoft Office files: Using Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (U:)
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2020-07-24 23:06
No channels showing up on personal TV
Frequent Question: Why aren't any channels showing up on my TV when I connect it in my dorm room?
Answer: After checking to make sure all the cables are properly connected and functioning, you may need to run a Available Channel Scan on your TV.
Here are some general steps to do this, and keep in mind each TV manufacturer does things slightly differently. Please consult your owner's manual for directions specific to your TV model.
1. Enter the TV's Menu (Usually called Menu OR Settings).
2. Select Channel or Tuner.
3. There should an option for Automatic Tuning or Manual Tuning, Select Automatic.
4. There should be an option for Cable or Air (Antenna), Select Cable.
5. Once you select Cable, run the scan. This typically takes several minutes, not more than 10.
6. You should now have all of the channels provided by Saint Mary's University.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-10-09 20:39
Connecting to the Wireless Network on Campus
Saint Mary's University provides wireless internet access to all Faculty, Staff, Students and all Guests of the University. Please follow the instructions below to connect to our network.
All computers are required to be up to date with all security definitions (Windows Updates / Apple Security Updates) and be running current anti-virus software.
For more information on acceptable anti-virus software, click here.
On campus users will be able to connect to two University wireless networks:
This network is the standard network that ALL students, faculty and staff of the University should be connecting to. It is the most secure and will provide 24/7 access to the SMUMN resources.
This is the only Wireless network that students will be able to use in the Residence Halls.
This network is for guests of the university and for students to register their gaming devices, smart TVs etc.
***Please note that connections to this network will expire after 8hrs. Guest Users may re-log in after expiration***
Locate the MAC address on an Apple Computer (iMac, Macbook)
1) Select the Apple menu and select "System Preferences"
2) Find "Internet and Wireless" and select "Network"
3) Along the left side, select "Ethernet"
4) Select "Advanced"
5) Select "Hardware"
6) Take note of the information listed after "MAC Address" that's needed for registration
Registering your device(s) in clearpass
1) Open a web browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc) and navagate to https://clearpass.smumn.edu/guest and login with your SMU credentials (ex: srjohnso18@smumn.edu and your password) and select "Log in"
2) Select "Create Device"
3) Create a name for your device (e.g. Sam's Macbook, Angelene's Vizio) 4) Enter the MAC Address for your device (should be in xx:xx:xx:xx format or xx-xx-xx-xx format) 5) Select "Create Device"
Author: Administrator Last update: 2018-08-02 18:56
NOTICE: It is recommended that you connect your streaming devices to the wired network whenever possible to give you the best possible speeds.
Locate the MAC address of the device and copy it down. (On most devices the MAC address or Wireless ID will be located in Settings > About) If your device has wireless and wired capability, please register both mac addresses.
Enter the name of your device as your SMUMN Username-DeviceType. (example: JXDOE22-Xbox)
Enter the MAC Address (or Wireless ID) of your device.
Click "Create Device" when finished.
*** If wireless, connect your device(s) to the SMUMN-Open network.
*** If wired, connect the device to the ethernet jack in your room, after the registration is completed. Please restart the device.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2020-07-21 23:54
Guest Access to SMUMN Wireless Networks - Procedures
Saint Mary's University provides Wireless Network Access to all of our guests on campus.
Guests may connect using the SMUMN-Open wireless network.
Once connected, they will need to open an Internet Browser on their device and log in.
Guests, please click the "Need Account" link at the bottom of the login screen.
***Please note that the guest network access will expire after 8hrs. Users may log in with the same credentials after the time expires***
Guests will then need to request access to the network from a University host or sponsor. Please enter the email address of a campus contact (could be a Student, Faculty or Staff Member).
The Guest will then see this screen indicating that a request has been sent to their host or sponsor. The screen will say that access is disabled until the host or sponsor has approved their request. To enter a sponsors email, you will need to ask a iT Staff.
The University host or sponsor will receive an email asking them to approve their guest's access.
Once the host or sponsor has approved the guest's request, the screen on the guest's device will change and say Access Enabled.
The Guest can then click "Log In" and enter their email address and the Guest password. They should also have received an email with this information from the email the Guest provided.
Please note: the SMUMN-Open network is limited to an 8 hour session. After 8hrs, the user will need to log in again. Guests may re-use the username and password that was created. Guests do not need to contact the host or sponsor again.
Author: Last update: 2019-03-28 13:07
What antivirus programs are approved for use on campus?
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota requires all computers to have current anti-virus software installed. Many of the mainstream anti-virus programs are approved for use on campus.
If your current solution has expired and you wish to switch to Windows Defender (which is free) follow the directions below:
Windows Users:
1.Uninstall any anti virus programs currently installed. This is extremely important!
2.Ensure Windows is fully up to date.
3. Click on the start button.
4. Type in "defender" in the search box, and select Windows Defender.
5. Click tools, and then click options.
6. Click Administrator, and select the box for "Use this program" and then press save.
Apple Users are currently required only to keep their computers up to date with the latest security updates from Apple. To run these updates, please open the App Store and click on "Updates".
Apple users who wish to install additional anti-virus protection (recommended) may install Malwarebytes for Mac
Author: Owen K. Last update: 2024-06-28 15:56
Connecting to the Wireless Network on Campus
Saint Mary's University provides wireless internet access to all Faculty, Staff, Students and all Guests of the University. Please follow the instructions below to connect to our network.
All computers are required to be up to date with all security definitions (Windows Updates / Apple Security Updates) and be running current anti-virus software.
For more information on acceptable anti-virus software, click here.
On campus users will be able to connect to two University wireless networks:
This network is the standard network that ALL students, faculty and staff of the University should be connecting to. It is the most secure and will provide 24/7 access to the SMUMN resources.
This is the only Wireless network that students will be able to use in the Residence Halls.
This network is for guests of the university and for students to register their gaming devices, smart TVs etc.
***Please note that connections to this network will expire after 8hrs. Guest Users may re-log in after expiration***
1. From the apple menu, choose System Preferences.
2. Choose print & fax.
3. Press the (+) sign.
4. Select the Windows tab, then smumn, then oberon. A log in box will appear.
5. Log in using your user name and password. Make sure to include smumn\ in front of the user name. You may choose "Remember this password in my keychain"
6. Choose the network printer you would like to use.
7. Press "Select a driver to use...", and then pick the printer model number. This should be listed on the printer, contact the HelpDesk at extension 7800 if you are unsure of what to use. Then choose "Add".
At this point, the printer should now be installed and operational.
Author: Ryan Ballanger Last update: 2011-04-13 23:21
Connecting to printers from OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) through 10.11 (el Capitan) or 12 (Sierra)
The following directions apply to Macs running OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) through OSX 10.9 (Mavericks).
NOTE: If you are a faculty member, the printing preferenes on your university-owned machine may be managed by IT. If you are not able to complete the following directions, contact the HelpDesk for assistance in adding an additional printer.
1. From the apple menu, choose System Preferences.
2. Choose print & fax. Note: newer MAC o.s. might be Printers & Scanners or Print &Scan
3. Press the (+) sign.
4. Right click or hold the "Control" key and click on the blank space next to windows, and choose "Customize Toolbar".
5. Drag the Advanced Icon onto the blank space, and press done.
6. Select the advanced tab, and from the drop down menu, choose Windows.
7. In the URL box, enter the name of the printer after smb://oberon/
Also enter the name in the "name" field, and press add.
8. From the print using drop down box, select "Select Printer Software"
9. Select the model of the printer. If you do not know this information, contact the helpdesk for assistance. Press OK.
NOTE: You must have Apple's HP printer driver package installed before you will be able to add most university printers. The package can be downloaded from Apple's support page.
10. Press add, at this point you may be prompted to authenticate. Choose registered user and enter smumn\ in front of your user name as shown, and connect. You may choose "Remember this password in my keychain"
*NOTE: If this message does not appear, open the print queue, and press the "play" button and then it should prompt you to authenticate to the network.
Author: Ryan Ballanger Last update: 2017-05-24 17:39
How do I add a printer on a personally-owned Windows computer?
Step 1 of these instructions is for personally-owned Windows computers when using wireless network, must be SMUMN-Secure or using the wired connections in ResHall spaces.
If connecting to the wired SMUMN network in public spaces, not reshalls, such as Library, Hendrickson computer labs, Science and Learning Center start with Step 2.
*Note: You will periodically have to re-log in through this icon to print in the future.
STEP 2. In your Start menu search box type in Add a printer
2a. Click "Add a Printer" from the list
STEP 3. Chose add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.
STEP 4. Chose The printer that I want isn't listed, and press next.
STEP 5. Select a shared printer by name. Enter \\oberon\(reshall printer name her). See list below for ResHall printer names.
Step 5a. Click Next.
Printer Names:
Benilde1, Benilde2
Eds1, Eds2
Heffron2, Heffron3, Heffron4
Skemp1, Skemp2, Skemp3
Leo1, Leo3
SLC Lower Hub not a ResHall
STEP 6. Press Install driver, then next and finish.
STEP 7. The printer should now be added. To print later you must repeat step 1. This is required if you logoff, laptop goes into sleep mode or after a restart or shutdown/power on.
Please note: this is the same process if you are going to use another SMUMN printer, such as in the Library, Toner pod, or Hendrickson Center Lower level (HCStudAccess) over the wireless network.
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2017-05-26 21:19
How do I add a ResHall printer on a Mac?
Each Residence Hall has a laser printer that you can print to from your Apple computer. This process differs depending on the version of Mac OSX you are running. To find out which version you have, from the Apple menu choose "about this mac".
Author: Ryan N. Ballanger Last update: 2017-05-24 17:46
How do I add a network printer to a SMUMN Windows PC?
There is a link to a video tutorial of this process at the end of the instructions.
To add an SMUMN-owned network printer to your Windows 10 computer:
1. Click Start icon, lower left.
2. Type "printer" into the search textbox.
3. Click "Add a Printer or scanner",
4. A list will start to populate, after about five items populate...
5. Choose "The printer that I want isn't listed" link
6. In the following dialog box, choose "Select a shared printer by name" Enter \\oberon\(printer name here). (e.g. \\oberon\Theology)
Print servers but same phyiscal printer
Winona Campus: Oberon or Hermia Minneapolis Campus: mspbh2
Click "next"
7. Click Install driver, then next and finish. This may take a few minutes to process.
You may be prompted to "Set as Default". Typically this would be "No", as your primary printer should already be setup or installed on your computer. If not, choose "Yes" to have this one be your default. Color printers should not be set as the default printer.
8. The printer should now be added and ready to use.
NOTE: Printers are only accessible if authenticated to the SMUMN network via ethernet or SMUMN-Secure wireless.
Laptop users be especially aware of this when coming from off-campus to on-campus. If you do not sign off before closing the lid on your device the username and password prompt when you open it is only to access the "current" session. This does not authenticate the device to the SMUMN network. As such, SMUMN network resources will not be accessible. Solution: sign off and sign in to the device while connected to a SMUMN network.
Can I bring my own wireless printer to use in my room?
Saint Mary's University does not support the use of wireless printers in the ResHalls.
If you do bring a printer, it will not work with our wireless network and we will not support it. Please use a wired connection if you bring your own printer.
In the drop down menu, under black and white printer, choose MP4054 or LD220SPF (depending on which model is in your department).
2. Click the link for your operating system. If you don't know your operating system, click the apple in the upper left of your screen and then click "About this Mac".
3. Underneath your operating system where the column heading says "download", click on the down-pointing arrow in the light blue box. This will trigger a file that downloads to your computer. Double click on the downloaded file and follow the instructions to install the driver.
4. Open System Preferences and click on Printers & Scanners. In the lower left, click the + sign. In the new window, scroll down and click HERMIA-MF[yourdept]. At the bottom, in the last drop down menu, click Select Software. In the new window, click LANIER [the driver you just downloaded], then click OK. Then in the previous window, in the lower left, click Add. The new printer should now show up in your list of printers.
5. Within Word (or other such programs), click Print, then in the Printer drop down menu, select the MF[yourdept] printer. In the Copies & Pages drop down menu, click Job Log. Check the box that says Enable User Code, and in the text window below it, enter your five digit departmental print code. **
NOTE: if you don't expect to change this code, you can save it as a preset so you don't have to keep entering each time you print. To do so at this point, go to the top of the printer dialog box that you're in to the second drop down menu called Presets. Click Save current settings. Enter a name for the settings, and then click OK. The next time you print, just highlight the MFSciences printer, then look for your settings name in the Presets drop down menu.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-10-20 18:35
Facilities & Equipment
How do I get my laptop to project on the screen?
Issue: I cannot get the image on my laptop to project on the screen in the classroom or mulitmedia available meeting room.
The following information is specifically for SMU-owned computers but may assist you with your personal laptop as well. In most cases you will need to ensure the following and then use your laptop "fn" key and the appropriate f# key to mirror(duplicate) your laptop screen through the projector.
Turn on the projector via the Extron control system.
You will need to have your laptop connected to the projection system either directly or through the Extron multimedia control system found on all multimedia classrooms. This is done with a VGA cable plugged into the Extron and your laptop. Macs need an adapter that should have come with your computer.
Once plugged in, select laptop on the control system to have it recognize your laptop.
Press the "fn" key on your laptop and the corresponding "f#" key on the keyboard (usually F4). This should be the HP laptops SMU owns.
Choose duplicate or mirror if you wish image to be on both locations and projector if only wanted on the screen. Note: laptop screen will go blank but still operates by pressing the key combination again. The screen will toggle(switch) if an icon menu does not appear. Press the key combination again to get to the display setting you want.
Process is complete
Please note that many laptops now recognize if a second display device is connected. This is a function of the display software installed on the specfic computer.
Author: BBEHLING Last update: 2011-06-17 21:59
How do I request a space with the Astra Scheduling system?
To request a meeting space on campus please follow these directions carefully. If you need assistance reserving a space please call ext: 1586 (507-457-1586).
1) Visit Community.smumn.edu and click to expand Faculty and Staff
2) Click on "Room Scheduling"
3) On the Astra page click "Request an Event".
4) Select the appropriate Event Request Form from the dropdown menu.
5) Enter Event Contact Information then click "Add/Remove Meetings"
7) Enter all required information for the meeting. **Put any set up requests in the "Description" box. Please be specific.
8) Click "Add Meeting".
9) Click "Request Rooms".
10) In room request, Click "Edit Filter". Select desired campus and building. Click "Search Rooms".
11) You can drag the vertical lines to better read the room numbers and information.
12) Click "Available" next to the desired room to select it. Click Save and Update Request. Then click "Request Resources".
13) Click "Edit Filter" select any and all desired resources and technology.
14) Click Save and Update Request
15) Click Submit Request. Click "Done".
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2021-05-28 04:17
How do I Approve an Event Request on Astra?
Open the “Events” tab. Go to the bottom and click on the ”Notification List”.
On the filter on the left hand side, select “event requests” for the type. Set “is notification” as “no.” Select “yes” for the “Is Active” line. This allows your request to come to the top instead of having to look through pages of reservations.
Click on the search button (at the bottom left of the page).
The requests with the colored icons need to be approved/declined or need more information will come up.
Click on the light blue magnifying class icon. This will show you information needed for the approval process. Make note of the information on this page or print it as you will need to fill in this same information during the approval process. To leave this page, click on the X (top right) or use the blue back button at the very top left hand side of your screen.
Check to make sure the request will work for your building and/or room.
You can approve the request by clicking on the green √ icon, decline the request by clicking on the red ø icon, or request more information by clicking on the darker blue icon. If you decline a request a box will come up in which you should let the requester know why you declined the request. If you clicked on the i button because you need more information, a box will appear in which you can type a message to the requester asking for the information you need.
If you approve the request, a page will appear with a box for optional email confirmation comments. You can either put in a message to the requester or skip this and select “approve”. From there you will be in a page called EVENT INFO. This is where you will need to fill in the information gathered from the first step.
Check to make sure the event or organization name is spelled out and acronyms are not used. Also make sure there is a descriptor in the event title such as practice, game, rehearsal, performance, class, reception, etc.
Select the correct “customer” (dept or organization from the drop down list).
Select the correct “contact” name from the drop down.
Check the event type to make sure it is correct. It should populate from the original request. Do not use the "XXX-Do Not Use" selections.
“Owner” refers to the approver (you).
Make sure there is a number in the estimated attendance box. This is important for reports.
Make sure the time in the request is the actual event time. If they have requested setup or teardown time, you can enter this as an edit later in the process.
Do not check “Featured” or “Private” unless you want the event on the SMU online public calendar (featured) or if you do not want anyone else to know what the event is (private). In most cases both of these should remain unchecked.
In the blue MEETINGS box a little further down on the page, click on the event name that will appear in blue. This takes you to the place where you can enter details for this event.
The Gantt Chart will show you any resources selected. You need not do anything under this section.
The next section is “Room Assignments”. You can add or change rooms selected. Under the “Resource Assignment”, select any resources requested. Resources are equipment and services. You may need to filter these resources using the grey filter button.
You can select any resource by clicking on the name of the resource or the right column “Available”. A number may appear telling you how many items are available. Select the number you need and click on “save”. If no number comes up there is only one. If the resources you need are pink, it means all of this particular item is unavailable. In the upper right hand corner, select “Assign”
You can skip the “Pre/Post” section.
The next section is “Setup/Teardown”. Enter setup begin time. End time must be before the event start time. Enter teardown time. Teardown time must begin after the event end time. If you do not have any setups, you can skip this section.
The next section is “Notes”. Here you need to enter any setup instructions or notes to others about this event, i.e. food service, campus safety, iT.
Check the “Status” box at the top of this page. If it does not say approved, click on the change button, select “approved”, apply and save. If another “Save” button is showing at the top of the page, click on Save” again.
On the next page, select “Send Event Summary” which is a green tab at the top. The requester’s name should be populated from the event request.
At this point you will need to enter any other people’s email that you want to get this event information, i.e., food service, campus safety, IT, etc. Click on ”add to recipients” Click on “Send” (lower left hand corner).
Author: ARWAGN09 Last update: 2012-10-31 21:59
How do I request a room in Astra Scheduling?
Access denied
Author: Mike Montgomery Last update: 2021-05-28 04:33
Equipment Available for Check Out
The Winona Campus HelpDesk has a number of technology items available for check out for SMUMN students and employees. Click on the categories below to learn more about the equipment we have available. To check out an item, please contact the HelpDesk, helpdesk@smumn.edu or 507-457-7800
Pocket-sized camcorder; Flat back panel with touch-sensitive buttons; 1.5-inch color LCD screen
2 GB of on-board flash memory--records up to 60 minutes of video; 2x digital zoom
Internal Lithium-ion battery recharges when built-in USB arm is connected to a computer
Connects to TV for instant viewing
Built-in software lets you easily edit video files and upload them to video sharing sites
Video Camcorder - Panasonic (qty 1)
Capture up to Full HD 1920 x 1080 Video
Backside Illuminated Image Sensor
Built-In Wi-Fi
One-Touch NFC Connectivity
50x Optical Zoom
90x Intelligent Zoom
Power O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer)
High-Sensitivity Stabilizing Gyro Sensor
Built-In Creative Control Modes
Microsoft Webcams LifeCAM HD3000
True 720p HD video - Post true HD video to online video sites.
16:9 widescreen - For cinematic video recording.
TrueColor Technology - Automatically delivers bright and colorful video, in virtually all lighting conditions.
Universal attachment base - Work on your desktop, laptop, or notebook.
Universal Tripods will work with any camera.
Document Cameras (3)
Elmo and Samsung Document Cameras
Laptops & Hardrives
HP 8440 Laptops (2)
Windows 7 Professional (64-Bit)
14-inch HD LED-Backlit Display (1366x768)
HP 2740 Laptop (1)
Windows 7
Digital Eraser Pen with tether and clip
Multi-touch with support for screen gestures
SD Card Reader
External Hardrives (4)
Formatted for PC or MAC
External Hardrives (set of 15)
For LAN Events
Microphones & Speakers
Cordless & Lapel Microphones
For use in Salvi Lecture Hall or the Common Room
USB Microphones (3)
For use with a Laptop or Desktop Computer
Speaker Phone
For use with conference calls.
Projection & Mobile Media
Laptop/Projector Carts (2)
PC Laptop
DVD/VCR Player
All necessary cabling
Projector Cart (No Laptop)
DVD/VCR Player
Connections for personal device (VGA)
Portable LCD Projectors (2)
Rolling case
VGA Cable
Portable LED Casio Projectors (2)
Small Size
Easy to carry case
VGA Cable
Portable Projection Screens (3)
Two sizes
Easy to use pull up design
Portable Flat Screen TV Display Carts (2)
Large Flat Panel Display
HDMI & VGA Connections
DVD Player
Miscellaneous Tech Items
Turning Point Personal Response System
Classroom Set Response System
iPad VGA Adapters
Garmin GPS Device
Samsung DVD Writer (USB)
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2022-05-16 16:53
How do I use a CD/DVD in a classroom?
Step 1: Insert DVD/CD into the Dedicated PC:
Depending on the Teacher Station, there will be a disc drive accessible via the button marked with the red arrow respectively. Some PCs have yellow marking the button to assist in finding it. Gently place in disc and close the drawer once seated.
Step 2: Open VLC PLayer
Option 1:
Click on the icon in the toolbar (bottom of screen) if the icon is there.
Option 2:
Click on the “Start Menu” or press the “Windows Key”
Search for “VLC” or scroll to the folder “VideoLAN” where you can click to open the application.
The application initially look like:
Step 3: Open Media
Click on the “Media” drop down menu, and select “Open Disc…”
Step 4: Play Movie
Select the correct format for your disc (DVD or Audio CD)
Confirm the title of the disc in the “Disc Device” menu
Click “Play”
Step 5: Watch!
The DVD will Play
Quick tip: Use the mouse to select menu items
For information on the interface of VLC PLayer please refer to these links:
Additionally please contact resources available to you:
IT Helpdesk ext. 7800
Fitzgerald Library
Author: cxmoor16 Last update: 2019-06-14 22:04
How Do I Use Zoom in a Polycom Room?
Zoom Room Step-by-Step Guide
The account hosting the meeting needs to be a PRO Zoom account to use the Zoom Room function.
All functions will be on the Touch Panel in this guide, unless specified.
Call the Helpdesk (7800) if you need assistance
Upon walking into the room:
Press the “Power Button” to start.
Select “Zoom Meeting” for Room Mode.
After a few seconds, the system will turn on and display a white screen where there will be a voice that speaks to you. Following are the screens that you will see on the TV screen and the touchpanel:
Using the Numpad highlighted by the red square, Press, then enter your Meeting Id of your Meeting for your meeting.
How can I recover files from a network folder?
If you need to go back to a previous version of a network folder, you can restore an older version of it yourself! This is very helpful if a file is deleted, will not open anymore, or is acidentally deleted. T
To Restore:
1. On a Windows PC, Open computer and RIGHT CLICK on your network drive, and choose properties.
2. Chose the previous versions tab.
3. Chose a time and date, and press view.
Author: Ryan Ballanger Last update: 2011-06-20 22:24
Where can I store my data?
Saint Mary's University File Storage Information
This is a storage location located within Google Apps.
Accessible from ANYWHERE on- or off-campus. You can log in with your Saint Mary's Google Apps account and upload/download files, create and edit files, and share and collaborate with others.
You can install the Google Drive app on your PC or Mac to open and organize files from your computer.
While convenient, and necessary when you are off-campus, the local hard-drive on your computer, drive C:, is not the preferred place to store your files.
In case your hard drive fails or gets damaged (dropped laptop, spilled coffee, and so on), your important files and information stored on the C: drive are irretrievably lost.
You may have other network drives: the K: drive for your department's files.
For Mac users, network drives are referenced with volume names, not letters.
Author: My FAQ Data entry Last update: 2023-08-31 18:07
Students: How do I map a network drive? (accessing U: drive on campus)
Access denied
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2023-08-31 18:02
What if I run out of space in my network drive/folder?
Access denied
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2020-07-07 17:44
Folder Permissions
Certain drives and folders on the network require administrator privileges to access, and on different levels (read only or edit).
If you need access to a specific drive or folder, please have your supervisor contact the Helpdesk and put in a request for Folder Permissions. Please be specific as to what sort of access you need and to what drive and folders.
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2013-08-14 17:48
How to connect to network storage from a Mac.
To connect a Mac to SMUMN network storage please do the following steps:
Click "Go" on the Apple Menu at the top of the screen
Click "Connect to Server…"
Type in: smb://smumn.edu/shares See list below
Click "Connect"
Enter your SMUMN username and password
Click "Connect"
*** Make sure you disconnect the network drive if using a shared/public computer.
* Various "Drive" names for Connecting to SMUMN Network Storage:
Department Network Storage (K Drive): smb://smumn.edu/shares
Personal Network Storage (U drive): smb://neo/username$
Department Webpages: smb://landini/deptmntl
*** Again make sure you disconnect the network drive if using a shared/public computer.
Author: DCISEWSK Last update: 2022-02-28 16:52
Mac Keychain Issues
Quick Answer:Your best option is to click "CREATE NEW KEYCHAIN", which is the middle button, when the box first appears. If it's already gone, try rebooting to get it to pop up again.
"Please Update Your Keychain Password" Message Box
If you remember your OLD password, please click "Update Keychain".
If you do NOT remember your old password, click "Create new Keychain"
If neither of these work, please see further instructions below.
The keychain in Mac OS X is Apple’s password management system.
A keychain can store all your passwords for applications, servers, and websites.
When you connect to a network server, open an email account, or access any password-protected item that is keychain-aware, your keychain can provide the password so you don't have to type it.
You start with a single keychain, which is created automatically the first time you log in to your Mac OS X user account. Your default keychain has the same password as your login password. This keychain is unlocked automatically when you log in to Mac OS X and is referred to in Keychain Access menus as the "login" keychain.
When keychain problems occur
Keychain problems occur when a user's login password does not match their keychain password.
On campus Macs, many users log in with their SMUMN account credentials. However, when a user changes their SMUMN passwords, keychain does not recognize the change automatically.
When the password used to log into the machine does not match the current keychain password, the keychain does not unlock for use with password management. The user is able to log onto the machine, but applications that use the keychain system, such as Safari, will give the user an error message stating that the application wants to use the "login" keychain. It will ask for the keychain password. Below is a typical keychain request for Safari.
If a user clicks Cancel, the message will return again. If a user clicks Cancel a second time, the message goes away and the application continues to open. However, if the warning is cancelled, saved password information will not be available while using the application.
Sometimes this error message will not cease to pop up.
Deleting the Old Keychain
If a user is unable to remember their old password and the "Create New Keychain" button is not functioning correctly, they can delete the Keychain and start fresh by follow these instructions:
1. In Finder Select Go > Go to folder… (??G)
2. In the window that appears, type the following:
3. Click GO.
4. Look for a folder with a name similar to this "A8F5E7B8-CEC1-4479-A7DF-F23CB076C8B8".
Note: Each folder will have a unique number.
5. Move this folder to the Trash.
6. Immediately click Apple Menu and click Restart to restart your Mac.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2016-02-22 17:48
How to clear cache in Google Chrome?
How to clear cache and cookies when using Google Chrome on Windows
To clear cache and cookies when using Google Chrome on Windows, follow the steps detailed below:
• Click on the More button, situated in the upper right corner.
• Go to History, and select History.
• Click on the Clear browsing data, in the left-side column.
• Choose From the beginning of time and click again on Clear browsing data.
NOTE: Make sure the boxes next to Cached images and files and Cookies and other site and plug-in data are checked.
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2020-03-13 16:22
Information for New Users » Employees
How to install software on a University PC - Faculty/Staff
For faculty, staff and administration at Saint Mary's University, we have many programs available for installation on your office computer which you do not need administrator privileges to install. Please follow the directions below to install the software.
**Please note, if the software you are looking for is not available in this list, you can request it from the HelpDesk. If it is a piece of software which you think would be useful for other staff members and should be included in the Software Center, please fill out this Software Center Request Form.
Installing Programs from the Software Center in Windows 10
1. Open the Start Menu, and then click "All Apps"
2. Scroll down to "Microsoft Endpoint Manager" and then open "Software Center"
3.In the Software Center you can see a collection of applications that are available for installation on your PC. Select the application(s) you wish to install and click "Install"
4. To see the status of the installation, click "Installation Status" on the left side of the screen. Here you will be able to see the status of any and all software installations from the network.
5. Please note that the program you are installing will pop up and ask you to click through a series of installation steps. Please click "Install".
4. The program will be installed in the background while you continue your work.You will not see any progress for most programs. Most programs install in 5-30 minutes.
Author: Emily Langr Last update: 2020-06-25 01:56
1) Faculty/Staff: Technology Systems Introduction
Access denied
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2021-05-28 04:19
What is SMUMN's Appropriate Use of Technology Policy?
Appropriate Use of Technology Policy
Policy Owner Assistant Vice President of Information Technology Policy Approver(s) Data Governance and Technology Planning Committee Related Policies Remote Access and Personal Device Policy; Password Policy Related Procedures System Configuration Process Effective Date March 31, 2022 Next Review Date 7/1/2025
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures and restrictions for the appropriate use of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN) technology resources.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, students, temporary workers, consultants and contractors, hereafter referred to as “users”. All students and employees are expected to know and understand this policy as it relates to their role at the university.
General Information
The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university.
The university recognizes that technology is a means for intellectual, social, and cultural growth, but said resources can also be a means for harassment and destructiveness. As a Lasallian Catholic institution, the university has an obligation to encourage civility and respect in the use of technology resources. Consequently, members of the university community are expected to exercise responsibility, operate technology resources ethically, respect the rights and privacy of others, and operate within the bounds of the law and of university policy and standards when using university technology resources.
The use of university technology is a privilege. The university reserves the right to monitor the use of all the technology resources it provides, that are used within its jurisdiction, or in its name and, if necessary, restrict access. The university respects the privacy of users; however, users are advised that in the university setting, no absolute guarantee of privacy exists.
User Responsibilities and Policy Statements
1. Users are responsible for maintaining a secure system environment. Users must:
§ Never deliberately disrupt the performance of technology systems
§ Never attempt to circumvent system security, which includes attempts to circumvent restrictions on the use of university listservs
§ Never attempt to access any unauthorized accounts, internally or externally, which include university listservs
§ Immediately report security concerns to the IT HelpDesk
2. Users must ensure the physical security of technology resources. Users must not modify, move, or otherwise tamper with university owned hardware or software unless explicitly authorized to do so. Removal of technology equipment, paper, or documentation without authorization, constitutes theft.
3. Users of the university’s technology resources are responsible for any activity that takes place through their account. Accordingly, each user must follow the University Password Policy.
a. Passwords must be 15 characters in length. Special characters, numbers and upper/lower case characters are not required.
b. Passwords will expire every 365 days.
c. When changing a password, the user must not change it to the most recent password.
d. Passwords are to be used and stored in a secure manner. Passwords are not to be written down or stored electronically. Passwords are to be obscured during entry into information system login screens and are to be transmitted in an encrypted format.
e. Passwords are to be individually owned and kept confidential, and are not to be shared under any circumstances.
4. Users must use technology consistent with local, state, and federal laws. Users must comply with federal copyright law. See the University Catalog for information about copyright law. Users will only use computer software in accordance with license agreements, whether the software is licensed to the university or to them. The university will cooperate with local, state, and federal authorities investigating violations of local, state, or federal law involving technology.
5. File sharing is allowed via our approved methods including, but not limited to, Google Drive, Gmail, and SFTP. The use of torrenting software is not allowed on our network and users must follow the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the No Electronic Theft Act (NET ACT).
6. The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university. Users will not use technology resources for commercial purposes or unauthorized financial gain. Users will not use technology resources for political purposes.
7. The university requires that users of technology resources demonstrate respect for others, respect for the university, and respect for the values of a Catholic Lasallian university when using technology resources. Users must use appropriate language when utilizing technology. Users will not send harassing, intimidating, or threatening messages through electronic mail, voicemail or other means.
8. Users assume full responsibility for their experiences while utilizing university technology resources. The university cannot and will not protect users against the existence or receipt of material that may be offensive to them, except in cases of violation of the law or of university policy or standards, and then only when technically feasible. Individuals using technology resources are warned that they may willingly or unwillingly receive or discover material that they find offensive.
Investigations and Consequences
1. Alleged violations of this policy by students of the College will be investigated by the vice president for student affairs or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the disciplinary judicial process outlined in the College Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
2. Alleged violations of this policy by students attending in the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs will be investigated by the dean of the academic area/school in which the student is studying. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the Grievance Procedure in the most recent Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs Catalog and Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
3. Alleged violations of this policy by employees will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor in coordination with the assistant vice president for human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that the inappropriate use has occurred. Violation of this policy by employees will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Students and employees may face civil and criminal consequences, independent of action by the university, if their inappropriate use of technology violates local, state, or federal law.
Revision History Date Who Changes 08/05/2016 VP for Financial Affairs; Director of IT; General Counsel Policy revision 5/23/2022 AVP of IT Updated to reflect changes in terminology and standardizations
Author: Last update: 2024-07-30 16:28
How do I request an iPad?
Saint Mary's purchases iPads in bulk to take advantage of a quantity discount from Apple. All iPads should be purchased through IT Services.
Staff and Faculty can request an iPad by contacting the HelpDesk at 507-457-7800 or helpdesk@smumn.edu.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2021-07-08 17:38
Where can I get support for my personal device?
Fixing Personally-Owned Computers
While we do try to help home and student users connect to the Saint Mary's University network, we do not fix personally-owned computers, even if they are used for college work. If, however, you need help at home accessing resources, feel free to call the Help Desk (457-7800), and we’ll do what we can over the phone. If your personal computer requires further work, we have a list below of possible options to whom we can refer you too. They perform contracted services (i.e., you need to pay them!) to work on personal machines. Saint Mary's does not endorse any company over another so they are listed below in alphabetical order.
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) department of Information Technology Services (ITS) HelpDesk provides hardware and software support services for SMUMN-owned Windows and Apple desktop and laptop computers used in both main campuses and affiliated sites and centers, plus limited support for personally owned computers. Service requests are made by contacting the IT Services HelpDesk or on the web at http://techfaq.smumn.edu/. Our support technicians provide free help with installations and problem solving for Macintosh or Windows PC desktop and laptop computers, software, and peripherals such as printers and webcams. Primary coverage goes to the main systems of faculty and staff and the school’s system infrastructure. Secondary coverage extends to other SMUMN-owned computers in labs and classrooms. Only minimal help related to network connectivity, security, and system crashes is available for personally owned computers.
The remainder of this note describes in detail the specific services that our support technicians will provide, and lists the priority order and expected response time for various classes of problems.
Covered services for desktop and laptop support
Our technicians will always respond to general questions about university services such as email configurations. This list describes the types of on-site help they provide for your computer. Please note that items not on this list are generally not covered.
Full support is available for SMUMN-owned computers. Associated peripherals (printer, webcams, etc.) are also covered.
For any substantial problem, IT Services will simply re-image the PC using the appropriate system image.
To get hardware and software support as shown in the list below, your computer must run either the Mac OS X operating system or the Windows operating system. There is no software support for other operating systems such as Linux - only hardware installation and problem diagnosis.
Install hardware.
Install and configure the operating system, "essential SMUMN software", network software, backup software, basic office applications (for example, browser, and Microsoft Office), and other commonly used applications.
Encrypt the computer as required by new university security mandates.
Install hardware and software upgrades.
Configure network connectivity
Secure against viruses, worms, and hackers or recover from a compromise.
Debug hardware and operating system problems.
Debug problems and provide user consulting for the software categories listed above.
Optimize the system (for example, defragment disk).
Give advice for hardware/software purchases and improvements to meet needs (for example, printer options).
For personally owned computers and mobile devices of faculty, staff, students, and visitors for related work, limited assistance may be requested when the user is unable to resolve issues after following documented procedures. You are expected to try to resolve the problem yourself before entering an assistance request. Help is available for Mac OS X or later and Windows 7 or later in the following categories only:
Configure network connectivity
Configure security settings and software to protect against viruses, worms, and hacker compromises.
Assist with cleanup and recovery from a security compromise.
Troubleshoot problems that make the computer unusable, such as frequent crashes and freezes.
Install, configure, or upgrade the operating system only as needed to resolve security or system usability issues.
Priority order and expected response times for support
For critical issues that effect the student academic experience, immediately call the ITS HelpDesk.
Winona Campus Minneapolis Campus
(800) 635-5987, ask for “HelpDesk” (866) 437-2788 ext 7800
(507) 457-6987 (612) 728-5100 option 4, or ext 7800
ITS HelpDesk technicians will try to fix critical problems within 1 business day. Critical problems may overrule and delay previously scheduled lower priority requests.
The technicians are notified when a new request is entered. If this is an urgent request, be sure to note that in the first sentence of a web-based submission: i.e. (Subject: URGENT: Projector in room 123).
For non-critical requests, the technician will attempt to contact you within one business day to schedule a time to help you. Non-critical problems are generally scheduled for the next available time slot, which is generally in a day or two but could be up to one week away during heavy workload periods.
New computer or peripheral installations are handled differently. Installations can be scheduled well in advance to be completed within a few days of expected arrival.
All classroom systems and labs are imaged annually, usually between the end of the Summer and beginning of the Fall semesters when available.
The priority order for help requests, from highest to lowest:
Critical problems with a primary computer system or peripheral that prevent or hinder a faculty or staff member from doing his/her normal work; and problems that prevent use of the classrooms for teaching scheduled classes.
Other non-critical problems with the primary workstation computer or peripheral of a faculty or staff member; and non-critical problems in the classrooms, including preparation of the computers for new classes at the beginning of each quarter.
Installation of a new primary computer or peripheral for a faculty or staff member.
Problems with other (non-primary) SMUMN owned computers or peripherals in offices or laboratories, including student offices.
Installation of a new non-primary SMUMN owned computer or peripheral in offices or labs, including staff offices.
Problems affecting a personally owned computer that is used for SMUMN related work. Off-site computers must be brought to the office.
Author: Mike Montgomery Last update: 2016-02-17 20:53
First Time Login Instructions
Welcome to Saint Mary's University of MN!
Sometime after you accepted through the university, you should have received an email to your personal email account that you submitted with your original application. This email is very generic looking and contains your username and temporary password for your first time logging into SMUMN systems.
**If you cannot find this email, please check your spam folder and/or call the Helpdesk for assistance.
All first time users need to login to the Student/Faculty Portal. You will not be able to access other SMUMN Systems, including Gmail, until you first login to your portal. Student PortalFaculty Portal
After logging into the portal please change your password:
**If you do not see a change password button please change the term to an upcoming term
The password set here will sync to your SMUMN accounts.
Author: ggrade16 Last update: 2021-05-28 04:23
Using Google Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (u:)
Why is Google Drive the best place to store your files? Because the storage space is now UNLIMITED! You can store any file type you need and organize files into folders, just like your U: drive. Learn more about setting up Google Drive to work like a Network drive below.
First, your Google Drive is available from any device via a web browser at any time. From drive.google.com you can upload and download your files.
An easier way to work with Microsoft Office (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xl...etc) and Google Drive is to download the desktop app.
Go to drive.google.com in your browser and click "Download Drive" in the settings menu.
Then, select "Drive for Mac & PC"
Once the download has finished, you will need to Run the file.
After Google Drive has finished installing, open your computer files and you will see Google Drive listed as a folder. You can drag and drop and organize files and folders here. Google Drive will sync when you are connected to the internet so you can access your files from multiple devices.
The advantage to using the desktop version of Google Drive is that if you store Microsoft Office files in Drive you won't have to download and then re-upload them. You simply double-click the file in the desktop Drive folder and it will open in the appropriate Microsoft Office program. Click "Save" and then you're done!
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-10-02 21:36
Microsoft Office 365 Free for Faculty, Staff & Students
We are happy to announce that Saint Mary's University is now able to offer Microsoft Office FREE for current SMUMN Faculty, Staff Students. Please follow the directions below to install Office (PC or Mac) for free.
2. Log in using your SMUMN email address and Student/Faculty Portal password.
3. After logging in, click on "Install Office".
4. Select "Office 365 apps". The installer will be downloaded.
5. When the download completes, follow the onscreen instructions to use the installer. Don't forget to activate Office using the same credentials you used to log in to portal.office.com.
***Please note that SMUMN does not, at this time, support the use of Microsoft's One Drive. If you would like to store your files in the cloud and access them from multiple devices, we recommend using Google Drive's desktop application. Click here to learn more about using Google Drive with Microsoft Office files: Using Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (U:)
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2020-07-24 23:06
How to Stay Safe Online
Please help keep our Saint Mary's University Network Safe and Secure by following these principles of internet safety.
Previous Version - Faculty Online Portal - Overview
This is the 2016 - July 2019 version of the Faculty(employee) Portal. A new overview video is in the works to be posted. Much of the content in this video is valid. The various screens are accessed from a different place on the faculty.smumn.edu. The "home" screen menu is across the top versus being on the left side. The most noticeable change is accessing your profile which is now in the upper right corner instead of the upper left.
The Faculty Online Portal is used by university faculty to view course lists, schedules, student information and advisor functions. Please view the video below for an overview of the site functionality.
**We recommend viewing this video in HD. Click on the settings gear in the video viewer to change the viewing quality.
If you need to see the video in full screen, click here
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2021-06-02 16:40
New Faculty/Employee Portal - Overview
This is a video overview of the updated Faculty/Employee Portal. To access the Faculty portal visit https://faculty.smumn.edu
What are the requirements for students bringing a computer to campus?
Student-Owned Computer Guidelines
In order to connect to the SMUMN network and obtain Internet access, student-owned computers are required to meet or exceed minimum performance guidelines and have certain software packages installed. The University provides Microsoft Office 365 for Students.
Windows Compatible Computer:
Operating System: Windows 10 and Windows 11
HelpDesk does not support other operating systems
Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent processors.
RAM: Minimum of 8GB but having more is recommended.
Apple MAC Computer:
Operating system: Mac OS 10.9 or newer
RAM: Minimum 4GB but having more is recommended.
Wireless networking:
All Wireless devices should have 802.11a/g/n or 802.11ac Wi-Fi compatibility for best performance. Devices that only support 802.11b/g/n operate only on the 2.4ghz frequency and will not perform as well due to the number of devices on campus.
Personal network devices (routers and access points) are not allowed on campus. They tend to cause interference issues with SMU provided wireless. Turn off wireless on personal printers. iT HelpDesk does not connect personal printers to the network.
Prepping your computer before coming to campus:
Guidelines for Computer Maintenance:
Computer operating systems (OS), especially Windows-based OS’s, must be maintained while connected to the SMUMN network. As part of this, he Universty provides the required Network Access Control (NAC) software. When you initially connect to the network, you are prompted to install this software. The software scans your system to ensure that it meets network access requirements: operating system up-to-date, active and up-to-date virus-scanning software, and current virus definition files (DATs). It does not scan your personal data.
Maintenance items include the following:
Running Windows Update (Microsoft) or Software Update (Apple Mac OS’s) to have current security patches, service packs, application updates, and driver updates.
Running an allowed virus-scanning program, definition files (DAT’s) must be up-to-date (current).
Other Recommendations:
Purchase of extended warranties, for all computers.
Purchase of accidental damage coverage for portable computing devices (laptops). You may want to check with your home owner’s insurance agent for accidental damage coverage.
The iT Department does not recommend the installation or use of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing programs, such as Ares, iMesh, KaZaa, Morpheus, Limewire, etc. The HelpDesk does not support computer issues caused or potentially caused by P2P file sharing programs. Please uninstall these programs before coming to campus.
* Computer maintenance is an ongoing process and the responsibility of the computer user. Updates and virus scanning should be done, at minimum, once a week. Adware and spyware scans should be done, at least, monthly.
Please refer to the Getting Started Guides in "Information for New Users" to the left.
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2024-09-06 15:52
Should I get a Mac or a PC?
There are several factors to consider when deciding what kind of computer to get.
First, what are you used to using?
People who are accustomed to using a PC might want to stay with a PC. Same goes for Mac users. Switching to a new operating system (i.e. from a PC to a Mac or vice versa) is a learning process that you need to be prepared for.
On your new computer make sure you know how to:
Access files and folders
Run System Updates (i.e. Windows Updates/Apple Software Updates)
Install/Update an Antivirus Program
If you don't know how to do these things, please ASK the Helpdesk! We would be happy to sit down with you and walk you through some basic maintenence steps to get the most out of your computer.
Secondly, what is your intended field of study?
Most of the time it won't matter whether you have a Mac or PC for your field of study. Some fields have an easier time with one operating system over another though. If you aren't sure if there would be a preference, ASK! Call the Helpdesk, or send an email to a faculty member or advisor for your program of interest.
Social Sciences (English, History, Political Science...etc...) Most of the faculty use PC. Students it may be an even split between Mac and PC. Preference lies entirely with the user.
Natural Sciences: Fairly even split between Mac and PC. May be helpful for you to know the basic workings of both systems (much of that knowledge will be learned as you go along in your studies).
Music and Visual Arts: Generally Mac users. Apple computers tend to dominate these fields because the software needed for these programs is generally more accessible for Macs. PC's can still be used, but software can be an extra expense.
Finally, what is your budget and what are your personal expectations about your new computer?
Pros and Cons for PC:
Pro: Generally Cheaper
Pro: More Readily Customizable
Pro: More Options for Software (especially for Gamers)
Con: Currently more susceptible to Viruses and Spyware
Con: For some users the amount of customizability can be overwhelming and requires a higher learning curve if you're not used to using a PC
Con: Software for Music and The Visual Arts can be less accessible/more expensive than Mac versions.
Pros and Cons for Mac:
Pro or Con: Less Customizable. This is great for people that don't want a lot of "options" but simply want to use the machine. This can be disagreeable for people who like to have a lot of options and want the ease of changing them frequently.
Pro: Much less likely (though not unheard of) to get Viruses or Spyware
Pro: Much less likely (based of number of PC's vs. Macs that are brought down to the Helpdesk) to have software or hardware malfunctions.
Con: When a Mac does have a software or hardware malfunction it usually requires a Mac specialist to fix. The Helpdesk does support minor software malfunctions for Macs. If we are unable to solve the problem we can direct you to the nearest Apple Support Center for more assistence.
Con: Software is nearly always Mac Specific. (This can be frustrating for avid gamers. If you still really want a Mac but need software that is specific to a PC, consider a Dual Boot Mac)
Con: Apple computers are generally more expensive up front.
So it all comes down to your personal preferences. Either operating system will work smoothly with our campus network. If you have further questions about bringing a computer to campus, please contact the Helpdesk.
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2015-08-13 01:01
What is SMUMN's Appropriate Use of Technology Policy?
Appropriate Use of Technology Policy
Policy Owner Assistant Vice President of Information Technology Policy Approver(s) Data Governance and Technology Planning Committee Related Policies Remote Access and Personal Device Policy; Password Policy Related Procedures System Configuration Process Effective Date March 31, 2022 Next Review Date 7/1/2025
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures and restrictions for the appropriate use of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN) technology resources.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, students, temporary workers, consultants and contractors, hereafter referred to as “users”. All students and employees are expected to know and understand this policy as it relates to their role at the university.
General Information
The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university.
The university recognizes that technology is a means for intellectual, social, and cultural growth, but said resources can also be a means for harassment and destructiveness. As a Lasallian Catholic institution, the university has an obligation to encourage civility and respect in the use of technology resources. Consequently, members of the university community are expected to exercise responsibility, operate technology resources ethically, respect the rights and privacy of others, and operate within the bounds of the law and of university policy and standards when using university technology resources.
The use of university technology is a privilege. The university reserves the right to monitor the use of all the technology resources it provides, that are used within its jurisdiction, or in its name and, if necessary, restrict access. The university respects the privacy of users; however, users are advised that in the university setting, no absolute guarantee of privacy exists.
User Responsibilities and Policy Statements
1. Users are responsible for maintaining a secure system environment. Users must:
§ Never deliberately disrupt the performance of technology systems
§ Never attempt to circumvent system security, which includes attempts to circumvent restrictions on the use of university listservs
§ Never attempt to access any unauthorized accounts, internally or externally, which include university listservs
§ Immediately report security concerns to the IT HelpDesk
2. Users must ensure the physical security of technology resources. Users must not modify, move, or otherwise tamper with university owned hardware or software unless explicitly authorized to do so. Removal of technology equipment, paper, or documentation without authorization, constitutes theft.
3. Users of the university’s technology resources are responsible for any activity that takes place through their account. Accordingly, each user must follow the University Password Policy.
a. Passwords must be 15 characters in length. Special characters, numbers and upper/lower case characters are not required.
b. Passwords will expire every 365 days.
c. When changing a password, the user must not change it to the most recent password.
d. Passwords are to be used and stored in a secure manner. Passwords are not to be written down or stored electronically. Passwords are to be obscured during entry into information system login screens and are to be transmitted in an encrypted format.
e. Passwords are to be individually owned and kept confidential, and are not to be shared under any circumstances.
4. Users must use technology consistent with local, state, and federal laws. Users must comply with federal copyright law. See the University Catalog for information about copyright law. Users will only use computer software in accordance with license agreements, whether the software is licensed to the university or to them. The university will cooperate with local, state, and federal authorities investigating violations of local, state, or federal law involving technology.
5. File sharing is allowed via our approved methods including, but not limited to, Google Drive, Gmail, and SFTP. The use of torrenting software is not allowed on our network and users must follow the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the No Electronic Theft Act (NET ACT).
6. The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university. Users will not use technology resources for commercial purposes or unauthorized financial gain. Users will not use technology resources for political purposes.
7. The university requires that users of technology resources demonstrate respect for others, respect for the university, and respect for the values of a Catholic Lasallian university when using technology resources. Users must use appropriate language when utilizing technology. Users will not send harassing, intimidating, or threatening messages through electronic mail, voicemail or other means.
8. Users assume full responsibility for their experiences while utilizing university technology resources. The university cannot and will not protect users against the existence or receipt of material that may be offensive to them, except in cases of violation of the law or of university policy or standards, and then only when technically feasible. Individuals using technology resources are warned that they may willingly or unwillingly receive or discover material that they find offensive.
Investigations and Consequences
1. Alleged violations of this policy by students of the College will be investigated by the vice president for student affairs or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the disciplinary judicial process outlined in the College Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
2. Alleged violations of this policy by students attending in the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs will be investigated by the dean of the academic area/school in which the student is studying. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the Grievance Procedure in the most recent Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs Catalog and Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
3. Alleged violations of this policy by employees will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor in coordination with the assistant vice president for human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that the inappropriate use has occurred. Violation of this policy by employees will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Students and employees may face civil and criminal consequences, independent of action by the university, if their inappropriate use of technology violates local, state, or federal law.
Revision History Date Who Changes 08/05/2016 VP for Financial Affairs; Director of IT; General Counsel Policy revision 5/23/2022 AVP of IT Updated to reflect changes in terminology and standardizations
Author: Last update: 2024-07-30 16:28
Who do I contact for graduate level online course support?
Technology support for Saint Mary's University of Minnesota National Online Programs is available with the following information.
Where can I get support for my personal device?
Fixing Personally-Owned Computers
While we do try to help home and student users connect to the Saint Mary's University network, we do not fix personally-owned computers, even if they are used for college work. If, however, you need help at home accessing resources, feel free to call the Help Desk (457-7800), and we’ll do what we can over the phone. If your personal computer requires further work, we have a list below of possible options to whom we can refer you too. They perform contracted services (i.e., you need to pay them!) to work on personal machines. Saint Mary's does not endorse any company over another so they are listed below in alphabetical order.
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) department of Information Technology Services (ITS) HelpDesk provides hardware and software support services for SMUMN-owned Windows and Apple desktop and laptop computers used in both main campuses and affiliated sites and centers, plus limited support for personally owned computers. Service requests are made by contacting the IT Services HelpDesk or on the web at http://techfaq.smumn.edu/. Our support technicians provide free help with installations and problem solving for Macintosh or Windows PC desktop and laptop computers, software, and peripherals such as printers and webcams. Primary coverage goes to the main systems of faculty and staff and the school’s system infrastructure. Secondary coverage extends to other SMUMN-owned computers in labs and classrooms. Only minimal help related to network connectivity, security, and system crashes is available for personally owned computers.
The remainder of this note describes in detail the specific services that our support technicians will provide, and lists the priority order and expected response time for various classes of problems.
Covered services for desktop and laptop support
Our technicians will always respond to general questions about university services such as email configurations. This list describes the types of on-site help they provide for your computer. Please note that items not on this list are generally not covered.
Full support is available for SMUMN-owned computers. Associated peripherals (printer, webcams, etc.) are also covered.
For any substantial problem, IT Services will simply re-image the PC using the appropriate system image.
To get hardware and software support as shown in the list below, your computer must run either the Mac OS X operating system or the Windows operating system. There is no software support for other operating systems such as Linux - only hardware installation and problem diagnosis.
Install hardware.
Install and configure the operating system, "essential SMUMN software", network software, backup software, basic office applications (for example, browser, and Microsoft Office), and other commonly used applications.
Encrypt the computer as required by new university security mandates.
Install hardware and software upgrades.
Configure network connectivity
Secure against viruses, worms, and hackers or recover from a compromise.
Debug hardware and operating system problems.
Debug problems and provide user consulting for the software categories listed above.
Optimize the system (for example, defragment disk).
Give advice for hardware/software purchases and improvements to meet needs (for example, printer options).
For personally owned computers and mobile devices of faculty, staff, students, and visitors for related work, limited assistance may be requested when the user is unable to resolve issues after following documented procedures. You are expected to try to resolve the problem yourself before entering an assistance request. Help is available for Mac OS X or later and Windows 7 or later in the following categories only:
Configure network connectivity
Configure security settings and software to protect against viruses, worms, and hacker compromises.
Assist with cleanup and recovery from a security compromise.
Troubleshoot problems that make the computer unusable, such as frequent crashes and freezes.
Install, configure, or upgrade the operating system only as needed to resolve security or system usability issues.
Priority order and expected response times for support
For critical issues that effect the student academic experience, immediately call the ITS HelpDesk.
Winona Campus Minneapolis Campus
(800) 635-5987, ask for “HelpDesk” (866) 437-2788 ext 7800
(507) 457-6987 (612) 728-5100 option 4, or ext 7800
ITS HelpDesk technicians will try to fix critical problems within 1 business day. Critical problems may overrule and delay previously scheduled lower priority requests.
The technicians are notified when a new request is entered. If this is an urgent request, be sure to note that in the first sentence of a web-based submission: i.e. (Subject: URGENT: Projector in room 123).
For non-critical requests, the technician will attempt to contact you within one business day to schedule a time to help you. Non-critical problems are generally scheduled for the next available time slot, which is generally in a day or two but could be up to one week away during heavy workload periods.
New computer or peripheral installations are handled differently. Installations can be scheduled well in advance to be completed within a few days of expected arrival.
All classroom systems and labs are imaged annually, usually between the end of the Summer and beginning of the Fall semesters when available.
The priority order for help requests, from highest to lowest:
Critical problems with a primary computer system or peripheral that prevent or hinder a faculty or staff member from doing his/her normal work; and problems that prevent use of the classrooms for teaching scheduled classes.
Other non-critical problems with the primary workstation computer or peripheral of a faculty or staff member; and non-critical problems in the classrooms, including preparation of the computers for new classes at the beginning of each quarter.
Installation of a new primary computer or peripheral for a faculty or staff member.
Problems with other (non-primary) SMUMN owned computers or peripherals in offices or laboratories, including student offices.
Installation of a new non-primary SMUMN owned computer or peripheral in offices or labs, including staff offices.
Problems affecting a personally owned computer that is used for SMUMN related work. Off-site computers must be brought to the office.
Author: Mike Montgomery Last update: 2016-02-17 20:53
First Time Login Instructions
Welcome to Saint Mary's University of MN!
Sometime after you accepted through the university, you should have received an email to your personal email account that you submitted with your original application. This email is very generic looking and contains your username and temporary password for your first time logging into SMUMN systems.
**If you cannot find this email, please check your spam folder and/or call the Helpdesk for assistance.
All first time users need to login to the Student/Faculty Portal. You will not be able to access other SMUMN Systems, including Gmail, until you first login to your portal. Student PortalFaculty Portal
After logging into the portal please change your password:
**If you do not see a change password button please change the term to an upcoming term
The password set here will sync to your SMUMN accounts.
Author: ggrade16 Last update: 2021-05-28 04:23
1) Overview SMUMN Systems & Resources for Students
Access denied
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2021-05-28 04:22
Using Google Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (u:)
Why is Google Drive the best place to store your files? Because the storage space is now UNLIMITED! You can store any file type you need and organize files into folders, just like your U: drive. Learn more about setting up Google Drive to work like a Network drive below.
First, your Google Drive is available from any device via a web browser at any time. From drive.google.com you can upload and download your files.
An easier way to work with Microsoft Office (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xl...etc) and Google Drive is to download the desktop app.
Go to drive.google.com in your browser and click "Download Drive" in the settings menu.
Then, select "Drive for Mac & PC"
Once the download has finished, you will need to Run the file.
After Google Drive has finished installing, open your computer files and you will see Google Drive listed as a folder. You can drag and drop and organize files and folders here. Google Drive will sync when you are connected to the internet so you can access your files from multiple devices.
The advantage to using the desktop version of Google Drive is that if you store Microsoft Office files in Drive you won't have to download and then re-upload them. You simply double-click the file in the desktop Drive folder and it will open in the appropriate Microsoft Office program. Click "Save" and then you're done!
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-10-02 21:36
Microsoft Office 365 Free for Faculty, Staff & Students
We are happy to announce that Saint Mary's University is now able to offer Microsoft Office FREE for current SMUMN Faculty, Staff Students. Please follow the directions below to install Office (PC or Mac) for free.
2. Log in using your SMUMN email address and Student/Faculty Portal password.
3. After logging in, click on "Install Office".
4. Select "Office 365 apps". The installer will be downloaded.
5. When the download completes, follow the onscreen instructions to use the installer. Don't forget to activate Office using the same credentials you used to log in to portal.office.com.
***Please note that SMUMN does not, at this time, support the use of Microsoft's One Drive. If you would like to store your files in the cloud and access them from multiple devices, we recommend using Google Drive's desktop application. Click here to learn more about using Google Drive with Microsoft Office files: Using Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (U:)
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2020-07-24 23:06
How to Stay Safe Online
Please help keep our Saint Mary's University Network Safe and Secure by following these principles of internet safety.
Under the "My Student Portal" tab select "Registration"
Select the term and hit "Confirm"
**Make sure that the correct TERM is selected when you log in. Example: FA20 College = Fall of 2020 on the Winona Campus
At the top of this screen you will see your current schedule. To Drop a course, select the checkbox next to the course. To cancle use the button in the upper left.
To ADD a course: Scroll to the bottom then use the search bar to find courses. Click the "Add" button to add the course to your schedule.
**Pre-requisites, time conflicts, and course seats are displayed in place of the "Add" button.
After "Add" is clicked the course will be put into your registration.
After all courses are added to your cart, select "Review Registration" to review.
To complete your registration, select the "Complete Registration" button to finalize.
**Registration may take 5-10 minutes until the classes are shown on your schedule.
**for issues with Pre-Reqs please contact the registrar.
Under Graduate: 507-457-6655 or 877-304-4273
Graduate: 612-238-4566 or 866-437-2788
Author: ggrade16 Last update: 2021-04-29 21:17
SGPP Students - Student Portal Overview
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Author: ELANGR Last update: 2019-08-09 21:52
Student Portal Interface Overview
In July 2019 Saint Mary's University updated the interface for the student portal that should provide a mobile friendly environment but keep the funcitonality of the portal itself. All users are on the new version at this time.
Click here to view the new video overview of the student portal.
If you need to receive a fax, you can have it sent to the IT department at (507) 457-1633. Please ask the party sending you a fax to put your full name on the cover sheet or first page of the fax. We will attempt to notify you of an incoming fax so that you can pick it up.
If you need to fax a document, The IT Department can help fax a document if ever needed.
Author: My FAQ Data entry Last update: 2021-11-23 22:38
What do I need to do to use my new phone?
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Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2023-02-09 18:39
How do I use the Phone website?
Access denied
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2023-02-09 18:35
How do I call staff on another campus?
4 digit dialing is available between all campuses (Rochester, Twin Cities, Winona, Oakdale and Apple Valley)
The last 4 digits of the phone # is all that is needed.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2023-06-12 18:27
How does my Do Not Disturb button work?
When DND (Do Not Disturb) is enabled, your phone will not ring and all incoming calls will go to your voice mail.
If DND is enabled, you will see this icon to the left of your extension.
To toggle Do Not Disturb on and off:
1. Across the bottom of your screen you should see DND press the button directly underneath it.
When you enable Do Not Disturb, the following happens:
The Do Not Disturb icon displays in the status bar, as shown next.
If your phone is idle, the Do Not Disturb icon, , displays next to your phone line in Lines view, as shown next. If you have new messages or forwarding enabled, the messages or forwarding icon will display instead.
The DND icon in Home view, , changes to , as shown next.
Note: Do Not Disturb and Shared Lines Enabling Do Not Disturb on shared lines disables ringing only. You’ll still see a visual notification of the call and have the option to answer the call.
Troubleshooting: Why Doesn’t the DND Icon Display? If you’ve set your presence status to Do Not Disturb, as well as enabled DND for your phone, the message My Status: Do Not Disturb will display instead the date display, and the DND icon won’t display in the status bar.
Using Do Not Disturb with Multiple Lines
By default, the Do Not Disturb feature applies to all lines on your phone. However, your phone may be set up so that you can enable the feature on a per-line basis.
To enable or disable Do Not Disturb for a particular line:
1.From Home view, selectDND. 2.From the Line Select screen, use the up and down arrow keys to select the line to enable or disable Do Not Disturb on. 3.From the Do Not Disturb screen, selectEnableorDisable.
Power Tip: Automatically Enabling or Disabling Do Not Disturb for All Lines To automatically enable Do Not Disturb for all lines, press Set All. To automatically disable the feature for all lines, press Clear All.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2014-10-10 23:56
How to clear Missed Messages
To clear your missed messages:
Press the "down" button on the directional pad on the right side of your phone. This is the shortcut for bringing up the missedcalls screen. Viewing the screen is the only requirement to clear the indicator.
Press the home button twice to get back the the home screen after looking to see who called.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2014-10-10 23:56
How do I forward a call directly to Voicemail?
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Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2023-02-09 18:41
How do I connect my headset to my new Polycom VVX Phone?
You can connect an analog headset to your phone. If an analog headset is connected and in use, glows green.
If you use a headset, you can set up your phone so that all calls use your headset. If you use a headset that supports electronic hookswitch (EHS), you can press the hookswitch button to place, answer, and end calls. In addition, you may be able to mute calls and control volume from your headset.
Enabling Headset Memory Mode
This feature is useful for permanent or full-time headset users. You can set up your phone so that all incoming and outgoing calls use your headset. At any time, you can switch to handset or speakerphone mode.
To use Headset Memory Mode, you must enable, and then activate, Headset Memory Mode. When Headset Memory Mode is activated, flashes either green (for analog headsets) or blue (for USB or Bluetooth headsets).
To enable Headset Memory Mode:
1. Select Settings from Home view, and select Basic > Preferences > Headset > Headset Memory.
2. From the Headset Memory Mode screen, select Enabled.
3. Press .
4. To activate Headset Memory Mode, press twice. The Headset key will flash to indicate that the phone is in Headset Memory Mode.
Now, whenever you answer a call, the call will connect to your headset automatically.
If you switch to the speakerphone or the handset, you deactivate Headset Memory Mode. Calls will no longer automatically go to your headset, unless you choose this mode. To have calls go to your headset again, activate Headset Memory Mode by pressing twice.
Configuring Headset Options
Before you start using your headset, you need to configure certain options on your headset base unit and on your phone. The following section details when and how to set these options.
Setting the Headset Base Unit Options
Before you connect your headset to your phone, be sure to set the following options on your specific headset base unit model:
For Jabra headsets, change the headset mode to DHSG on the headset base unit. For details, refer to your headset documentation or contact Jabra support.
For Plantronics headsets, change the coarse receive level to 3 and the transmit level to B on the headset base unit. Refer to the Universal EHS Adapter Getting Started guide packed in the headset box for more details.
For Sennheiser headsets, set the first DIP switch - labeled 1 (DHSG) - to the down position on the back of the headset base unit. See, how to connect a Sennheiser headset for more information. For details, refer to your headset documentation or contact Sennheiser support.
Setting the Phone Analog Headset Options
You may set the phone analog headset option locally through the phone.
To set the analog headset option on your phone:
1. Navigate to the Analog Headset menu (Menu > Settings > Basic > Preferences > Headset > AnalogHeadset).
2. Select the appropriate headset mode:
Choose RegularMode (default) if no compatible headset is attached.
Choose JabraDHSG if an EHS compatible Jabra headset is attached with an EHS cable or adapter.
Choose PlantronicsMode if an EHS compatible Plantronics headset is attached with an EHS cable or adapter.
Choose SennheiserMode if an EHS compatible Sennheiser headset is attached with an EHS cable or adapter.
Connecting your Headset
If you have an EHS-compatible headset and headset adapter, follow the steps listed next to connect your headset to your phone.
To connect a supported headset to your phone:
1. Plug one end of the EHS adapter or cable into the serial port on the back of your phone.
2. Plug the other end into the headset base unit.
3. Connect the headset’s RJ-9 connector to the headset jack on the back of the phone.
Enabling Echo Cancellation to Troubleshoot Echo Issues
In some cases when you are using your headset, the people that you call may experience audio or echo issues - such as feedback of your voice or of their own voice - during the call. If people that you call hear an echo while you are talking to them using your headset, you should enable echo cancellation on your phone.
To enable echo cancellation on your phone:
1. Navigate to the Echo Cancellation menu: Menu > Settings > Basic > Preferences > Headset > EchoCancellation.
2. Select Enabled and press the Select soft key.
Author: MMONTGOM Last update: 2014-06-18 23:01
How do I use my new Polycom VVX 410 Phone?
Polycom VVX 410 Quick User Guide
Author: MMONTGOM Last update: 2014-07-14 18:25
How do I use my new Polycom VVX 310 Phone?
Polycom VVX 310 Quick User Guide
Author: MMONTGOM Last update: 2015-08-27 20:04
How do I change ringtones?
To change the incoming ringtone, press the Home button and use the right arrow to move to Settings.
Push the button in the middle of the navigation keys to select Settings.
Push the button in the middle of the navigation keys again to select Basic.
Scroll down to #5 Ring Type and press the button again to select it.
If you have multiple lines on your phone, select which line you want to change and press the button again.
Choose the ring tone you would like and push the button to select it.
Press the home button three times to get back to the home screen.
Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2014-10-11 00:00
How do I silence a call?
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Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2023-02-09 18:42
How do I use phone conferencing?
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Author: TPJOHNSO Last update: 2023-02-09 18:39
How do I check my voicemail?
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Author: ELANGR Last update: 2023-02-09 18:38
How do I add Favorites or Speed Dial on my phone?
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Author: ELANGR Last update: 2023-02-09 18:40
Network Folders & Resources » Software » Microsoft Office
Office Ribbon Tabs
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Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2014-08-27 16:26
How to Share Files/Folders in Office 2013
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Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2014-11-03 16:12
How to Extract Text from Handwriting in OneNote 2013
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Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2014-11-03 16:06
How to Take Quick Notes in OneNote 2013
Access denied
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2014-11-03 16:52
Microsoft Office 365 Free for Faculty, Staff & Students
We are happy to announce that Saint Mary's University is now able to offer Microsoft Office FREE for current SMUMN Faculty, Staff Students. Please follow the directions below to install Office (PC or Mac) for free.
2. Log in using your SMUMN email address and Student/Faculty Portal password.
3. After logging in, click on "Install Office".
4. Select "Office 365 apps". The installer will be downloaded.
5. When the download completes, follow the onscreen instructions to use the installer. Don't forget to activate Office using the same credentials you used to log in to portal.office.com.
***Please note that SMUMN does not, at this time, support the use of Microsoft's One Drive. If you would like to store your files in the cloud and access them from multiple devices, we recommend using Google Drive's desktop application. Click here to learn more about using Google Drive with Microsoft Office files: Using Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (U:)
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2020-07-24 23:06
Email » Gmail Basics
1) How do I find and login to my SMUMN email?
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota uses Google's Gmail for email services.
**REMINDER: If this is your first time logging in to SMUMN Google email, you need to change your password in your portal prior to logging into your SMUMN Google email or other SMUMN-oriented web applications. Instructions can be found HERE
This is a screen shot of the page. Enter your username in the field.
You may also access your SMUMN Gmail account through Google's logon pages, at gmail.com, however you must use your full SMU email address to login (e.g. username@smumn.edu).
Sending Emails from different accounts within Gmail
**Note - You will need to turn on "Allow Less Secure Apps" in your SMUMN Google Account Settings.
Go to Settings >Accounts and Forwarding
Click on "Add another email address you own"
Enter your SMUMN Email Address
Enter smtp.gmail.com
Enter your FULL email address
Enter your password
Leave the other settings as-is.
Then check your SMUMN Email for the verification link and either click the link or enter the code.
You will now be able to send from your SMUMN Account in your personal Gmail Account.
Option 4: Adding a Gmail account to another email program (Outlook) (not recommended)
Use this option if you wish to receive your Gmail account messages in a program like Microsoft Outlook.
To set up your Gmail in Outlook or other mail software on your computer you will need to first enable IMAP Access in your Gmail Settings. Then you will have to configure your email client (e.g. Outlook). There are Configuration instructions here.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2016-03-02 23:12
5) Helpful Settings In Gmail (Signatures, Auto-Replies etc)
Use the links below to learn more about helpful features found in Gmail's Settings.
Google Drive is a cloud based storage system. Also within Google Drive you can create documents, spreadsheets, slide presentations, forms and much more!
Google Docs is a web-based word processor and is equivalent to Microsoft Word, except with Docs, all of your files are stored online for easy and secure access! Never worry about hitting "Save" again, because Google automatically saves everything as you work on it. Click on the links below to learn more!
Sick of carrying around your slide presentations on a thumb drive? Google Slides are created and stored in the cloud, so you can access them anytime and anywhere!
Google Forms - Creating Surveys, Polls, Collecting Info, etc!
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-08-07 21:54
Collaboration - Sharing Files/Folders
No more forwarding attachments back and forth! Google makes it easy to share files and folders with people within your organization. You can even work on the same file at the same time and see changes being made in real time! Learn more with the articles and videos below.
Using Google Drive instead of a VPN/Network Drive (u:)
Why is Google Drive the best place to store your files? Because the storage space is now UNLIMITED! You can store any file type you need and organize files into folders, just like your U: drive. Learn more about setting up Google Drive to work like a Network drive below.
First, your Google Drive is available from any device via a web browser at any time. From drive.google.com you can upload and download your files.
An easier way to work with Microsoft Office (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xl...etc) and Google Drive is to download the desktop app.
Go to drive.google.com in your browser and click "Download Drive" in the settings menu.
Then, select "Drive for Mac & PC"
Once the download has finished, you will need to Run the file.
After Google Drive has finished installing, open your computer files and you will see Google Drive listed as a folder. You can drag and drop and organize files and folders here. Google Drive will sync when you are connected to the internet so you can access your files from multiple devices.
The advantage to using the desktop version of Google Drive is that if you store Microsoft Office files in Drive you won't have to download and then re-upload them. You simply double-click the file in the desktop Drive folder and it will open in the appropriate Microsoft Office program. Click "Save" and then you're done!
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-10-02 21:36
Email » Mobile Questions
Setting up SMUMN Gmail on an iOS Device (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)
Google Apps for Education and personal Gmail accounts have different best practices for setting up your accounts on an iOS device. Saint Mary's University of Minnesota uses Google Apps for Education.
How do I setup my SMUMN Email on my Android Phone?
There are two ways to add your Saint Mary's Email to your Android device. You can run the initial set up on your phone with your SMUMN Google Account, but most people like to use their personal account for this, and then add an additional Gmail account.
More information about setting up your SMUMN Gmail Account on Android:
Why can't I send/receive SMUMN emails on my mobile device anymore?
If you are suddenly unable to send or receive SMUMN emails on your mobile device it is most likely the result of a recent password change and/or expiration.
If you recently changed your password, you will need to go into your mobile email settings and update the password. (See mobile set-up instructions for Android and iOS under Mobile Questions)
If neither of the above fixes the problem, please call the Helpdesk for further assistance!
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-08-06 21:33
Email » Managing Contacts/Groups
Creating a Personal Contact Group (Distribution List)
Creating and usingdistributionlists can be a time saver when you have certain groups of people (clubs, organizations, close friends, professional contacts...) that you want to communicate with frequently as a group. The two links below will walk you though the steps for creating and applying a contact/distributionlist in Gmail.
Saint Mary's also has many community distribution lists available to it's email users. Please see the article on SMUMN Global Distribution lists.
Author: Jason Spartz Last update: 2015-08-06 21:49
What Global mailing lists are available?
Access denied
Author: SBEARBOW Last update: 2023-08-25 23:27
Google Contacts - Adding Contacts
Since SMUMN uses Google Apps for Education, when you open your contacts, on the left hand side you will see something called "Directory". The Directory contains all SMUMN.edu users for your convenience; so when you compose a new email, you can simply type in the person's name and their SMUMN.edu address will automatically come up. In addition, anyone you reply or forward an email to will automatically be added to your contacts. To add your own contacts, follow these directions.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-08-06 21:44
WinBulletin: SMUMN's Online Bulletin Board
The winbulletin@smumn.edu distribution list is for communicating various personal and school related items. Historically this has been geared toward student use, but can be used by the entire Winona Campus Community to advertise or solicit items or needs. This could include items like: need a ride home, looking for riders to share gas money, books for sale, furniture for sale, rummage sales, places for rent, students seeking roommates and so on.
To subscribe:
If you are not receiving these emails and wish to subscribe to this email group:
-------------DOUBLE CHECK THE SPELLING please. Thanks.
Click "Send" (The email should be blank.)
You should receive an email that you have been removed.
You can also click the link from within the email itself. Click the little down arrow under the senders name to expand the email information. There should be a link to unsubscribe from the winbulletin listing.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-08-06 21:54
What Gmail mailing lists are available?
To help ensure the right people are getting the right information, we have student, staff and faculty distribution email lists. Please click here to read our Mass Email Guidelines and Procedures.
Below are our most common mailing lists and details regarding who's a member of them.
SMUMNALL - smumnall@smumn.edu All active employees INCLUDING Course Contracted
AllCollegeStaff - allcollegestaff@smumn.edu All college and university wide staff, full or part time
AllCollegeFaculty - allcollegefaculty@smumn.edu All college and university wide faculty, full time and course contracted
AllSGPPStaff - allsgppstaff@smumn.edu All SGPP and university wide staff, full or part time
AllRochesterCampus - allrochestercampus@smumn.edu All employees whose main work location is Rochester or university wide, or if you supervise employees on one of those campuses.
AllMinneapolisCampus - allminneapoliscampus@smumn.edu All employees whose main work location is Minneapolis or university wide or or if you supervise employees on one of those campuses.
AllWinonaCampus - allwinonacampus@smumn.edu All employees whose main work location is Winona or university wide or if you supervise employees on one of those campuses.
Winona Campus Undergrad Students - winstu@smumn.edu All Winona based undergraduate students
SGPP Graduate Students - sgppallstudents@smumn.edu All SGPP students
Winona Campus Undergrad Freshmen - winfr@smumn.edu All College Freshmen
Winona Campus Undergrad Sophmores - winso@smumn.edu All College Sophomores
Winona Campus Undergrad Juniors - winjr@smumn.edu All College Juniors
Winona Campus Undergrad Seniors - winsr@smumn.edu All College Seniors
There are also ResHall specific groups as well
Here are a few key highlights from the document:
The Saint Mary's Today should be utilized for most communications.
Only approved email accounts can send to these new lists. If you believe you need to send an email to one of the lists and you cannot, please email helpdesk@smumn.edu with an explanation of why you need access. The appropriate staff will review the request and will get back to you with next steps.
If you are not on a list and think you should be, please complete this form to be added or removed. (You can check and see what groups you are a part of by clicking on the 9 dots in the square in the top right corner of your email next to your name. From that drop down menu, choose groups and click on My Groups on the left to see what groups you are a part of.)
If you have any questions on the new groups, please review the full documents linked in this article and if you still have questions, please contact the HelpDesk at helpdesk@smumn.edu or 507-457-7800.
Author: Last update: 2023-09-08 21:46
Google Apps » Google Calendar
Importing my Calendar using a csv file
You need to start by having a csv file with your calendar events. If you were migrated from Office-Logic Interchange and requested your Webscheduler to be moved, the Information Technology department would have sent you a csv file as an attachment. Save that file in a location known to you, then follow the steps below to import those calendar items into Google calendar.
To import events from iCalendar or CSV files, just follow these steps:
Click the Add down-arrow button at the bottom of the calendar list on the left side of the page, and select Import Calendar.
Click Browse and choose the file that contains your events, then click Open.
Select the Google Calendar where you'd like to import events, then click Import.
Please note that recurring events may not be recognized when importing events from CSV files. In this case, individual items will be created for recurring events that fall between the dates you've selected.
Author: Sarah Bearbower Admin Last update: 2015-08-04 20:23
How do I share my Google Calendar with specific people?
The "Share your calendar with specific users" webpage covers how to share your Google Calendar with specific users to give them view or edit control over your calendar.
What University Calendars are Available for University Users?
University Departments may have created a Google Calendar to Share events with the entire SMU community or the public. (everyone on the internet). Currently Google Calendar doesn't give you an easy way to search for these calendars. You need to know that they exist and add them to your Google Calendar list using a Calendar's shared URL.
From within your Google Calendar
Click the Add down-arrow button at the bottom of the Other calendar list on the left side of the page, and select Add by URL.
Paste the ICAL link into the Public Calendar Address box and then click Add.
SMU HelpDesk has been made aware of the following calendars availability.
*Departments often have group calendars for their teams. Ask your team for the name of the group calendar and add it following the directions in the video above.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-08-07 18:26
5) Privacy & Sharing Settings for Calendars
Google gives you the ability to control the visibility of your calendars within your organization. Please note that the follow directions must be followed for each individual calendar on your account. See below for more information on Privacy and Sharing Google Calendars.
What are the requirements for students bringing a computer to campus?
Student-Owned Computer Guidelines
In order to connect to the SMUMN network and obtain Internet access, student-owned computers are required to meet or exceed minimum performance guidelines and have certain software packages installed. The University provides Microsoft Office 365 for Students.
Windows Compatible Computer:
Operating System: Windows 10 and Windows 11
HelpDesk does not support other operating systems
Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent processors.
RAM: Minimum of 8GB but having more is recommended.
Apple MAC Computer:
Operating system: Mac OS 10.9 or newer
RAM: Minimum 4GB but having more is recommended.
Wireless networking:
All Wireless devices should have 802.11a/g/n or 802.11ac Wi-Fi compatibility for best performance. Devices that only support 802.11b/g/n operate only on the 2.4ghz frequency and will not perform as well due to the number of devices on campus.
Personal network devices (routers and access points) are not allowed on campus. They tend to cause interference issues with SMU provided wireless. Turn off wireless on personal printers. iT HelpDesk does not connect personal printers to the network.
Prepping your computer before coming to campus:
Guidelines for Computer Maintenance:
Computer operating systems (OS), especially Windows-based OS’s, must be maintained while connected to the SMUMN network. As part of this, he Universty provides the required Network Access Control (NAC) software. When you initially connect to the network, you are prompted to install this software. The software scans your system to ensure that it meets network access requirements: operating system up-to-date, active and up-to-date virus-scanning software, and current virus definition files (DATs). It does not scan your personal data.
Maintenance items include the following:
Running Windows Update (Microsoft) or Software Update (Apple Mac OS’s) to have current security patches, service packs, application updates, and driver updates.
Running an allowed virus-scanning program, definition files (DAT’s) must be up-to-date (current).
Other Recommendations:
Purchase of extended warranties, for all computers.
Purchase of accidental damage coverage for portable computing devices (laptops). You may want to check with your home owner’s insurance agent for accidental damage coverage.
The iT Department does not recommend the installation or use of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing programs, such as Ares, iMesh, KaZaa, Morpheus, Limewire, etc. The HelpDesk does not support computer issues caused or potentially caused by P2P file sharing programs. Please uninstall these programs before coming to campus.
* Computer maintenance is an ongoing process and the responsibility of the computer user. Updates and virus scanning should be done, at minimum, once a week. Adware and spyware scans should be done, at least, monthly.
Please refer to the Getting Started Guides in "Information for New Users" to the left.
Author: Emily A. Degallier Last update: 2024-09-06 15:52
What is SMUMN's Appropriate Use of Technology Policy?
Appropriate Use of Technology Policy
Policy Owner Assistant Vice President of Information Technology Policy Approver(s) Data Governance and Technology Planning Committee Related Policies Remote Access and Personal Device Policy; Password Policy Related Procedures System Configuration Process Effective Date March 31, 2022 Next Review Date 7/1/2025
The purpose of this policy is to define standards, procedures and restrictions for the appropriate use of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s (SMUMN) technology resources.
This policy applies to all SMUMN employees, students, temporary workers, consultants and contractors, hereafter referred to as “users”. All students and employees are expected to know and understand this policy as it relates to their role at the university.
General Information
The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university.
The university recognizes that technology is a means for intellectual, social, and cultural growth, but said resources can also be a means for harassment and destructiveness. As a Lasallian Catholic institution, the university has an obligation to encourage civility and respect in the use of technology resources. Consequently, members of the university community are expected to exercise responsibility, operate technology resources ethically, respect the rights and privacy of others, and operate within the bounds of the law and of university policy and standards when using university technology resources.
The use of university technology is a privilege. The university reserves the right to monitor the use of all the technology resources it provides, that are used within its jurisdiction, or in its name and, if necessary, restrict access. The university respects the privacy of users; however, users are advised that in the university setting, no absolute guarantee of privacy exists.
User Responsibilities and Policy Statements
1. Users are responsible for maintaining a secure system environment. Users must:
§ Never deliberately disrupt the performance of technology systems
§ Never attempt to circumvent system security, which includes attempts to circumvent restrictions on the use of university listservs
§ Never attempt to access any unauthorized accounts, internally or externally, which include university listservs
§ Immediately report security concerns to the IT HelpDesk
2. Users must ensure the physical security of technology resources. Users must not modify, move, or otherwise tamper with university owned hardware or software unless explicitly authorized to do so. Removal of technology equipment, paper, or documentation without authorization, constitutes theft.
3. Users of the university’s technology resources are responsible for any activity that takes place through their account. Accordingly, each user must follow the University Password Policy.
a. Passwords must be 15 characters in length. Special characters, numbers and upper/lower case characters are not required.
b. Passwords will expire every 365 days.
c. When changing a password, the user must not change it to the most recent password.
d. Passwords are to be used and stored in a secure manner. Passwords are not to be written down or stored electronically. Passwords are to be obscured during entry into information system login screens and are to be transmitted in an encrypted format.
e. Passwords are to be individually owned and kept confidential, and are not to be shared under any circumstances.
4. Users must use technology consistent with local, state, and federal laws. Users must comply with federal copyright law. See the University Catalog for information about copyright law. Users will only use computer software in accordance with license agreements, whether the software is licensed to the university or to them. The university will cooperate with local, state, and federal authorities investigating violations of local, state, or federal law involving technology.
5. File sharing is allowed via our approved methods including, but not limited to, Google Drive, Gmail, and SFTP. The use of torrenting software is not allowed on our network and users must follow the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the No Electronic Theft Act (NET ACT).
6. The university maintains technology resources for the purposes of conducting and fostering the instructional, educational and research activities of the university, as well as furthering the business interests of the university. Users will not use technology resources for commercial purposes or unauthorized financial gain. Users will not use technology resources for political purposes.
7. The university requires that users of technology resources demonstrate respect for others, respect for the university, and respect for the values of a Catholic Lasallian university when using technology resources. Users must use appropriate language when utilizing technology. Users will not send harassing, intimidating, or threatening messages through electronic mail, voicemail or other means.
8. Users assume full responsibility for their experiences while utilizing university technology resources. The university cannot and will not protect users against the existence or receipt of material that may be offensive to them, except in cases of violation of the law or of university policy or standards, and then only when technically feasible. Individuals using technology resources are warned that they may willingly or unwillingly receive or discover material that they find offensive.
Investigations and Consequences
1. Alleged violations of this policy by students of the College will be investigated by the vice president for student affairs or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the disciplinary judicial process outlined in the College Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
2. Alleged violations of this policy by students attending in the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs will be investigated by the dean of the academic area/school in which the student is studying. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that inappropriate use has occurred. Inappropriate use will be handled using the Grievance Procedure in the most recent Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs Catalog and Student Handbook.
If a student violates this policy, they may face sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. A student may lose computing privileges as a sanction for violation of this policy. The use of technology resources to commit an act of academic dishonesty may subject a student to separate sanctions for academic dishonesty and for violation of this policy.
3. Alleged violations of this policy by employees will be investigated by the employee’s supervisor in coordination with the assistant vice president for human resources or their designee. The assistant vice president for IT or their designee will assist in investigations, as appropriate. The use of technology may be suspended during an investigation if staff believe that the inappropriate use has occurred. Violation of this policy by employees will be handled according to established procedures in the Saint Mary’s Employee Handbook, under the Work Rules and Conduct Standards and the Corrective Action sections. The university supports the theory of corrective action and retains discretion to take action that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Violations of rules or policies may result in corrective measures that, depending upon the circumstances and at the discretion of the university, may include verbal or written warnings, suspension (with or without pay), or immediate discharge. These corrective measures do not constitute an exclusive list of possible action and may be repeated, skipped or taken out of order.
Students and employees may face civil and criminal consequences, independent of action by the university, if their inappropriate use of technology violates local, state, or federal law.
Revision History Date Who Changes 08/05/2016 VP for Financial Affairs; Director of IT; General Counsel Policy revision 5/23/2022 AVP of IT Updated to reflect changes in terminology and standardizations
Author: Last update: 2024-07-30 16:28
What is SMU’s plan to combat copyright infringement?
Outlined below is the procedure to be followed when an RIAA Copyright Infringement Notice is received by SMUMN:
Saint Mary's University regularly receives copyright infringement notices from content owners. Notices are received when content is illegally downloaded on the Saint Mary's University network.
Using the information provided by the content owners, we are able to locate the offending machine (and the username it is registered under) and then are obligated to inform the student that we received a copyright infringement notice.
The student is then required to complete an online educational course upon being notified of the first offense. Subsequent offenses will incur additional consequences to be determined by the Office of Student Life.
Failure to complete the course will result in additional consequences as determined by the Office of Student Life.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-11-18 18:31
What does IT Services Support?
Computer Workstation Support Policy
Last revision November, 14th 2014
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) department of Information Technology Services (ITS) HelpDesk provides hardware and software support services for SMUMN-owned Windows and Apple desktop and laptop computers used in both main campuses and affiliated sites and centers, plus limited support for personally owned computers. Service requests are made by contacting the IT Services HelpDesk or on the web at http://techfaq.smumn.edu/. Our support technicians provide free help with installations and problem solving for Macintosh or Windows PC desktop and laptop computers, software, and peripherals such as printers and webcams. Primary coverage goes to the main systems of faculty and staff and the school’s system infrastructure. Secondary coverage extends to other SMUMN-owned computers in labs and classrooms. Only minimal help related to network connectivity, security, and system crashes is available for personally owned computers.
The remainder of this note describes in detail the specific services that our support technicians will provide, and lists the priority order and expected response time for various classes of problems.
Covered services for desktop and laptop support
Our technicians will always respond to general questions about university services such as email configurations. This list describes the types of on-site help they provide for your computer. Please note that items not on this list are generally not covered.
Full support is available for SMUMN-owned computers. Associated peripherals (printer, webcams, etc.) are also covered.
For any substantial problem, IT Services will simply re-image the PC using the appropriate system image.
To get hardware and software support as shown in the list below, your computer must run either the Mac OS X operating system or the Windows operating system. There is no software support for other operating systems such as Linux - only hardware installation and problem diagnosis.
Install hardware.
Install and configure the operating system, "essential SMUMN software", network software, backup software, basic office applications (for example, browser, and Microsoft Office), and other commonly used applications.
Encrypt the computer as required by new university security mandates.
Install hardware and software upgrades.
Configure network connectivity
Secure against viruses, worms, and hackers or recover from a compromise.
Debug hardware and operating system problems.
Debug problems and provide user consulting for the software categories listed above.
Optimize the system (for example, defragment disk).
Give advice for hardware/software purchases and improvements to meet needs (for example, printer options).
For personally owned computers and mobile devices of faculty, staff, students, and visitors for related work, limited assistance may be requested when the user is unable to resolve issues after following documented procedures. You are expected to try to resolve the problem yourself before entering an assistance request. Help is available for Mac OS X or later and Windows 7 or later in the following categories only:
Configure network connectivity
Configure security settings and software to protect against viruses, worms, and hacker compromises.
Assist with cleanup and recovery from a security compromise.
Troubleshoot problems that make the computer unusable, such as frequent crashes and freezes.
Install, configure, or upgrade the operating system only as needed to resolve security or system usability issues.
Priority order and expected response times for support
For critical issues that effect the student academic experience, immediately call the ITS HelpDesk.
Winona Campus Minneapolis Campus
(800) 635-5987, ask for “HelpDesk” (866) 437-2788 ext 7800
(507) 457-6987 (612) 728-5100 option 4, or ext 7800
ITS HelpDesk technicians will try to fix critical problems within 1 business day. Critical problems may overrule and delay previously scheduled lower priority requests.
The technicians are notified when a new request is entered. If this is an urgent request, be sure to note that in the first sentence of a web-based submission: i.e. (Subject: URGENT: Projector in room 123).
For non-critical requests, the technician will attempt to contact you within one business day to schedule a time to help you. Non-critical problems are generally scheduled for the next available time slot, which is generally in a day or two but could be up to one week away during heavy workload periods.
New computer or peripheral installations are handled differently. Installations can be scheduled well in advance to be completed within a few days of expected arrival.
All classroom systems and labs are imaged annually, usually between the end of the Summer and beginning of the Fall semesters when available.
The priority order for help requests, from highest to lowest:
Critical problems with a primary computer system or peripheral that prevent or hinder a faculty or staff member from doing his/her normal work; and problems that prevent use of the classrooms for teaching scheduled classes.
Other non-critical problems with the primary workstation computer or peripheral of a faculty or staff member; and non-critical problems in the classrooms, including preparation of the computers for new classes at the beginning of each quarter.
Installation of a new primary computer or peripheral for a faculty or staff member.
Problems with other (non-primary) SMUMN owned computers or peripherals in offices or laboratories, including student offices.
Installation of a new non-primary SMUMN owned computer or peripheral in offices or labs, including staff offices.
Problems affecting a personally owned computer that is used for SMUMN related work. Off-site computers must be brought to the office.
Author: Mike Montgomery Last update: 2016-02-17 20:53
How to Stay Safe Online
Please help keep our Saint Mary's University Network Safe and Secure by following these principles of internet safety.
Use and Acquisition of Computers Provided to University Personnel
In order to ensure that university personnel have access to current computing technology required to fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs, the “Computer Life Cycle Replacement Process” was instituted. The process helps facilitate scheduled replacement of computers for full time faculty, full time staff, and computing laboratory facilities approximately every 48 months. Eligibility for the replacement equipment is determined by the AVP of IT in accordance with this process.
Hardware Platforms
In order to contain costs and realize maintenance and support efficiencies, the university community is able to select in conjunction with the IT Department equipment appropriate for their departmental use. The equipment standards are developed by IT staff who are charged to review the hardware options available in relation to campus needs and to recommend specific hardware configurations that best meet the features and functionality requirements of the University overall.
Life Cycle Equipment Replacement Term
Microsoft Windows based devices are replaced every 4 years, a duration that corresponds to industry benchmarks for the useful life of laptop and desktop computer systems. Apple based devices are replaced every 5 years.
Generally, most replacements are switched during the summer to minimize disruption to staff and faculty. Those with an asset in their possession will be contacted by the university HelpDesk via email or phone, to discuss a replacement computer and to establish a date for the equipment exchange.
All program equipment (including cables, mouse, keyboard, docking station and other items delivered with the computer) must be returned to the university. There is no option for the asset designee to purchase university-owned computers.
***Replacement of devices is subject to available funding which may require users to keep their devices for a longer period of time.
Responsibilities of the University Personnel Receiving Equipment
University personnel are expected to exercise care to assure against theft and damage of equipment provided to them. In situations where negligence or violations of this policy result in damage or loss of equipment, the cost for its repair or replacement will be the responsibility of the employee or the department based on consideration of the situation.
Equipment is provided to university personnel exclusively for their use. Its use by others is prohibited except for occasional use by other university personnel. In certain instances, equipment can be reallocated to another employee at the university.
Upon separation from the university, for any reason, the computer technology equipment must be returned to the HelpDesk on the appropriate campus.
Default Equipment
The default computer platform for the university will be a Windows laptop. The university will maintain computer system images for both Microsoft Windows Operating Systems and Apple Operating Systems.
Exceptions to the Standard Build and Configurations
Despite the best efforts of the IT Department, the specified equipment (the standard configurations), on occasion, may not meet the needs of an individual or an operating unit. In such cases, alterations to the standard build configurations may be approved, but they must be authorized by the AVP of IT and are subject to additional funding by the requesting department.
Exception Approval for Apple/Mac Devices
The IT Department will provide specifications for Apple/Mac computing platform machines since there are individuals or operating units that require the Apple/Mac devices. Approval for the acquisition of an Apple/Mac device will be jointly made by the department manager and the AVP of IT.
The approval process for Apple/Mac devices applies only to new requests for Apple/Mac equipment. Personnel who already have an Apple/Mac device may replace it without obtaining special approval.
Administrative Rights
The end-user workstation technology equipment is delivered with limited administrative rights. Members of the university community may request full administrative privileges and these are granted by the AVP of IT or HelpDesk Management Staff.
Temporary administrative rights may be requested for a 3 day period for approved software installations. Requests for this temporary access should be sent to the HelpDesk.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2022-06-28 17:17
Remote Work Hardware
Remote Work Hardware Assignments 9/13/2022
Full time employees who work 100% in the office will be able to choose from the following options:
1. A windows desktop computer, a wired mouse, a wired keyboard, webcam, and 2 monitors
2. A windows laptop, docking station, wired mouse, wired keyboard, and 1 monitor
All other full time employees will receive Option 2 regardless of their WFH %.
Exceptions to the standard package can be requested via a HelpDesk ticket and will require approval from the requesting department manager and the Director of User Services. Accessibility exceptions (ex: trackballs, trackpads, larger monitor, or other hardware required to fulfill their job duties) will also require HR approval.
1. Headsets are available as needed. Please request through the HelpDesk.
2. Users will only receive one of each item unless specified and will need to determine where to use their hardware.
3. Extra keyboards, mice, webcams and headsets outside of the standard hardware listed above, can be purchased by the user using personal funds only. Saint Mary’s will not reimburse for these items.
4. Extra monitors for in office use must be requested through the HelpDesk. Extra monitors for at home use can be purchased using personal funds only. Saint Mary’s will not reimburse monitor purchases.
5. Personal printers in the office are not allowed. Personal printers can be purchased by the user for at home use using personal funds only. Saint Mary’s will not reimburse printer or printer supply purchases.
6. Laptop carrying cases are at the discretion of the employee to purchase and will not be reimbursed.
7. All Saint Mary’s University owned equipment must be returned on or before the last day of employment. (Keyboard, mouse and headset do not need to be returned.)
Author: HJOHNSON Last update: 2022-12-21 18:26
Policy for Entering a Student Residence
Policy (applies to ALL HelpDesk & IT Staff)
Process for entering a student room
If at all possible 24 hours notice should be given.
There should always be two people (see below).
If Residence Life or Campus Safety needs to be the second person and our time allows for it we are happy to help.
If there are two staff members present with 24 hours notice it can be male or female. I think most would feel more comfortable if a female were going into an all female hall, but I realize with staff that might not always be the case.
The biggest thing is making sure there are two people going into a room at once. This is a liability issue.
In cases where we can't give 24 hour notice, we should make sure that Stefanie or Marty (Residence Life) are aware PRIOR to us entering the room if a student is not available.
Entering a room:
Just to refresh everyone.
When you are going into a room on your own. Knock on the door, wait for an answer, knock on the door a second time, wait for an answer. At this point you can use your key to open the door. As you open the door, announce yourself with a loud voice (Example: Hello, I'm with the Helpdesk. I am here to work on your computer...).
Give the students every opportunity NOT to think that you are sneaking in on them. And ALWAYS leave the room in the same condition as you found it (Example: Don't eat any of the Doritos).
It is also good practice to leave the door open if in a ResHall and leave the specific room door open if in a Village. Keeps your presence in the room "public" so to speak.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-10-09 20:31
Checking Network Settings for Wireless Connection
In order to connect successfully to the SMUMN Wireless Network you may need to verify that your DNS settings are set to Automatic. Please follow the directions below if you are having difficulty gaining internet access and are NOT in Remediation.
First, open Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center
Click "Change Adapter Settings"
Then, right click on Wi-Fi and select "Properties"
Under the Networking tab, click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", then click "Properties"
Under the General tab, make sure that it is set to obtain both IP addresses and DNS server addresses automatically.
If these are already set to Automatic and/or you still do not have internet access, then click "Advanced".
Select the DNS tab at the top, then make sure that the DNS server addresses box is blank. Remove any addresses that may be in there.
Click OK to exit and then retry connection. You may need to restart the computer.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2016-05-20 16:29
Mac Keychain Issues
Quick Answer:Your best option is to click "CREATE NEW KEYCHAIN", which is the middle button, when the box first appears. If it's already gone, try rebooting to get it to pop up again.
"Please Update Your Keychain Password" Message Box
If you remember your OLD password, please click "Update Keychain".
If you do NOT remember your old password, click "Create new Keychain"
If neither of these work, please see further instructions below.
The keychain in Mac OS X is Apple’s password management system.
A keychain can store all your passwords for applications, servers, and websites.
When you connect to a network server, open an email account, or access any password-protected item that is keychain-aware, your keychain can provide the password so you don't have to type it.
You start with a single keychain, which is created automatically the first time you log in to your Mac OS X user account. Your default keychain has the same password as your login password. This keychain is unlocked automatically when you log in to Mac OS X and is referred to in Keychain Access menus as the "login" keychain.
When keychain problems occur
Keychain problems occur when a user's login password does not match their keychain password.
On campus Macs, many users log in with their SMUMN account credentials. However, when a user changes their SMUMN passwords, keychain does not recognize the change automatically.
When the password used to log into the machine does not match the current keychain password, the keychain does not unlock for use with password management. The user is able to log onto the machine, but applications that use the keychain system, such as Safari, will give the user an error message stating that the application wants to use the "login" keychain. It will ask for the keychain password. Below is a typical keychain request for Safari.
If a user clicks Cancel, the message will return again. If a user clicks Cancel a second time, the message goes away and the application continues to open. However, if the warning is cancelled, saved password information will not be available while using the application.
Sometimes this error message will not cease to pop up.
Deleting the Old Keychain
If a user is unable to remember their old password and the "Create New Keychain" button is not functioning correctly, they can delete the Keychain and start fresh by follow these instructions:
1. In Finder Select Go > Go to folder… (??G)
2. In the window that appears, type the following:
3. Click GO.
4. Look for a folder with a name similar to this "A8F5E7B8-CEC1-4479-A7DF-F23CB076C8B8".
Note: Each folder will have a unique number.
5. Move this folder to the Trash.
6. Immediately click Apple Menu and click Restart to restart your Mac.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2016-02-22 17:48
Mac Keychain Issues
Quick Answer:Your best option is to click "CREATE NEW KEYCHAIN", which is the middle button, when the box first appears. If it's already gone, try rebooting to get it to pop up again.
"Please Update Your Keychain Password" Message Box
If you remember your OLD password, please click "Update Keychain".
If you do NOT remember your old password, click "Create new Keychain"
If neither of these work, please see further instructions below.
The keychain in Mac OS X is Apple’s password management system.
A keychain can store all your passwords for applications, servers, and websites.
When you connect to a network server, open an email account, or access any password-protected item that is keychain-aware, your keychain can provide the password so you don't have to type it.
You start with a single keychain, which is created automatically the first time you log in to your Mac OS X user account. Your default keychain has the same password as your login password. This keychain is unlocked automatically when you log in to Mac OS X and is referred to in Keychain Access menus as the "login" keychain.
When keychain problems occur
Keychain problems occur when a user's login password does not match their keychain password.
On campus Macs, many users log in with their SMUMN account credentials. However, when a user changes their SMUMN passwords, keychain does not recognize the change automatically.
When the password used to log into the machine does not match the current keychain password, the keychain does not unlock for use with password management. The user is able to log onto the machine, but applications that use the keychain system, such as Safari, will give the user an error message stating that the application wants to use the "login" keychain. It will ask for the keychain password. Below is a typical keychain request for Safari.
If a user clicks Cancel, the message will return again. If a user clicks Cancel a second time, the message goes away and the application continues to open. However, if the warning is cancelled, saved password information will not be available while using the application.
Sometimes this error message will not cease to pop up.
Deleting the Old Keychain
If a user is unable to remember their old password and the "Create New Keychain" button is not functioning correctly, they can delete the Keychain and start fresh by follow these instructions:
1. In Finder Select Go > Go to folder… (??G)
2. In the window that appears, type the following:
3. Click GO.
4. Look for a folder with a name similar to this "A8F5E7B8-CEC1-4479-A7DF-F23CB076C8B8".
Note: Each folder will have a unique number.
5. Move this folder to the Trash.
6. Immediately click Apple Menu and click Restart to restart your Mac.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2016-02-22 17:48
Google Apps » Read&Write and Snapverter
Faculty: How do I set up Snapverter?
What is Snapverter?
Snapverter is an add-on feature for Read&Write for Google that can convert inacessible Scans, PDFs, Images, etc into accessible formats for students with disabilities.
The converter recognizes text in images, scans and PDFs and converts it to be readable by the Read&Write tool used by students.
How do I set up Snapverter on my computer?
To start, you must use Google Chrome. Make sure you are signed in to Chrome with your SMUMN Account.
Next, click on "Apps" on the bookmarks bar.
Then, click on the "Snapverter" App
Snapverter is then going to ask for Permission to Access your Google Account. Please click "Allow" to continue.
Next, go to drive.google.com and you will find a new set of folders called "Snapverter". This is where you will use the application. Please see "Faculty: How do I use Snapverter?" for further instructions.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-09-17 22:03
Faculty: How do I use Snapverter?
If this is your first time using Snapverter, please make sure it is first set up in your Google Chrome browser. See article: "Faculty: How do I set up Snapverter?"
How to convert PDF and Image files using Snapverter:
Upload the file(s) you wish to convert to Google Drive (directions here)
Then, click and drag the files you wish to convert to the "Drop Here to Convert" folder under "Snapverter"
Snapverter will now begin the conversion process. Please be advised that this may take up to five minutes to complete, depending on the size of the file to be converted.
Once finished, the converted file will be found in the "Finished" folder and can be shared with students via the "Share" button, or by creating a Share Link which can be posted on Canvas. Learn more about Sharing files in Google Drive here.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2021-05-28 04:10
What is Read&Write for Google Chrome?
Read&Write is an extension for Google Chrome and Google Drive with accessibility features and study tools for students.
The videos below provide an overview of the features Read&Write has to offer. Please note that the University has already purchased Read&Write, so you do not need to sign up for it individually.
How do I install Read&Write for Google Chrome?
Read&Write for Google Chrome has already been installed for your SMUMN Google Account. All you need to do is Sign In to Chrome to get started.
To start, you must use Google Chrome. Make sure you aresigned in to Chrome with your SMUMN Account.
If you are signed into Chrome with your SMUMN account you should see a small puzzle piece in your address bar:
The first time you click on the puzzle piece it will ask for permission to access your Google Account. Please click "Allow".
If you do not see the puzzle piece, please copy paste the follow text into your Chrome browser's address (URL) box: chrome://extensions/ , and make sure the extension is enabled.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2019-04-04 20:14
Students: Getting Started with Read&Write for Google Chrome
Read&Write for Google Chrome is an amazing study tool! Learn more below.
For more help articles and tutorials, please see TextHelp's Support site
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-09-21 18:15
Students: How do I use Read&Write for PDF's from Snapverter?
PDFs, ePubs, and Kes files
The premium version of Read&Write for Google Chrome™ also supports for PDF, ePub, and Kes files in Google Drive. To use, simply double click on the file to have it open in the Read&Write for Google Chrome™ viewer.
If the file does not open in the Read&Write for Google Chrome™ viewer, it is either not set as the default app to manage your files, or it is not installed. To set as default, click the systems icon at the top right of the screen and select Settings. Then go to Manage Apps and scroll down to Read&Write for Google Chrome™. Select Use as default. Problem Solved!
Note: If you do not want Read&Write for Google Chrome™ to be the default, you can still use it with any PDF, ePub, or Kes file. Simply right click on the filename and choose Open With and then select Read&Write for Google Chrome™.
Author: ELANGR Last update: 2015-09-21 18:18
Reset Passwords
How do I reset my password for my SMUMN accounts
All current students and employees can change your password on TheNest.smumn.edu. Click the Change Password tab and follow the instructions to reset your password. If this is the first time you have logged into the portal recently, you may be prompted to answer the Challenge Questions. More detailed directions are below.
If you are a new student to the University, your decision letter includes a temporary password.
New employees should have received their temporary password via an email to the email address they applied with.
The first time you will log in to The Nest by using your temporary password.
Use your new SMUMN email address as the username. Use your temporary password from your decision letter as your first time password.
It will ask you to set up your personal “Challenge Security Questions” the first time you log in.
Next, you will use the “Change Password” menu tab to set up your personal password, and pick the “Change Password” button. If you don’t see the menu on your mobile screen, use the upper left corner hamburger button to open the menu list.
This new personal password is used for The Nest, email, Canvas online classroom, financial aid, billing, eResLife (if using Winona campus housing), library access, and more.
If you forget or need to change your password after your first sign-in:
To use these instructions you must have already completed the first sign-in with your temporary password. Use the menu tab “Change Password” and then use “Forgot my Password.” You will be asked to answer your personal security questions before setting up your new password. If you don’t see the menu on your mobile screen, use the upper left corner hamburger button to open the menu list.
If you encounter any isssues, please contact the IT Helpdesk @ 507-457-7800 or by emailing helpdesk@smumn.edu.
Author: ggrade16 Last update: 2024-01-23 18:08
ResHall Information » Elevate by Espial
How do I connect to Elevate by Espial on my Amazon Device?
Elevate by Espial is an app that is used to connect to Cable TV via WiFi. Scroll below, and follow the step by step instructions to get connected to the app. If you require further help, call the HelpDesk at x7800, or email us at helpdesk@smumn.edu.
**Note: Elevate by Espial does NOT function on laptops or desktop computers.
Author: SCLONG16 Last update: 2019-08-01 18:26
How do I connect to Elevate by Espial on my Apple Products?
Elevate by Espial is an app that is used to connect to Cable TV via WiFi. Scroll below, and follow the step by step instructions to get connected to the app. If you require further help, call the HelpDesk at x7800, or email us at helpdesk@smumn.edu.
**Note: Elevate by Espial does NOT function on laptops or desktop computers.
Author: SCLONG16 Last update: 2019-08-01 18:22
How do I connect to Elevate by Espial on my ROKU Device?
Elevate by Espial is an app that is used to connect to Cable TV via WiFi. Scroll below, and follow the step by step instructions to get connected to the app. If you require further help, call the HelpDesk at x7800, or email us at helpdesk@smumn.edu.
**Note: Elevate by Espial does NOT function on laptops or desktop computers.
Author: SCLONG16 Last update: 2019-08-01 18:24
How do I connect to Elevate by Espial on my Android Device?
Elevate by Espial is an app that is used to connect to Cable TV via WiFi. Scroll below, and follow the step by step instructions to get connected to the app. If you require further help, call the HelpDesk at x7800, or email us at helpdesk@smumn.edu.
**Note: Elevate by Espial does NOT function on laptops or desktop computers.
Author: SCLONG16 Last update: 2019-08-01 18:25
Panopto Faculty Instructions
Panopto is a video content platform that centralizes video creation and sharing across all faculty, staff, and students. With Panopto, you can:
· Create, edit, store, and share your own videos. · Upload videos from other sources and edit, store, and share them. · Keep your videos in your personal Panopto folder as long as you want while you are with SMUMN. · Provide access and tools for all students and faculty to produce their own sophisticated presentations.
To get started with Panopto:
Navigate to https://smumn.hosted.panopto.com/ and log in with your Canvas credentials to access your own Panopto folder hosted by Saint Mary’s University. If this is your first time accessing your Panopto folder, follow the prompts to create your account.